Archive for October, 2009

Wicked Wednesday: Blu for You

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

The tension in the car is thick as we drive to the club on Saturday night. We know what we want to do but still aren’t sure we can pull it off. I’m wearing a denim mini skirt without panties, at your request. At mine you are packing and ready for anything. I rub my hand against the hard bulge in your jeans and feel the seat beneath me get sticky and wet. Your breathing is hard and you moan a bit but I pull back and look out the window not wanting to sidetrack our plans for later.

We play some pool and I try hard not to flash everyone in the lounge every time I bend over the felt for a long shot. When I have a shot near the wall you come around and run your hand up my skirt and drag two fingers through my glistening cunt. You walk away with them in your mouth, in search of a drink while I try to regain my composure and end up scratching, giving up the game.

You lean against the bar and watch me dance with your friends. Our eyes lock across the room and everyone else just disappears for me. There is me. On stage. You. At the bar. Everyone else has evaporated into a whirling fog of luminescent bracelets, tight jeans, and the occasional bad wig. It’s time. I can’t wait. Come join me.

I watch you set your drink down. I watch you walk across the dance floor. Climb onto the stage with me and my breath quickens with every step you take towards me. I want you so badly but my nerve is flagging. The place is so crowded and no one seems to take notice and when I grind against your leg I know I have to follow through. I need you and I want you and I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I am facing the wall and you are dancing behind me your hips mimicking my hips until I thrust back against you feeling your cock hard against my ass. Your friends are on stage. Everyone is caught up in their own world. Their own dance. Their own partner. I am caught up in you.

I reach around and unzip your fly. You surreptitiously slide your cock out and raise the back of my skirt ever so slightly at the same time. It takes nothing to slip inside me and I steady my hands against you – one holding your hand, one playing in your hair. You keep one hand on my hip and guide us through the dance. The speaker is so close and the bass drums away as we push against each other. Grind into one another’s bodies. I feel as though I’m on some kind of drug. I’ve lost all care as to whether anyone can tell or whether anyone has noticed. It’s just you the lights the music your cock my cunt and oh my god I’m coming and you are right behind me breathing your orgasm into my ear as I lean back and say NOW NOW NOW.

I’m sweating and you’re sweating and I can feel my own juices trickling down my leg and the emptiness as you ease out of me and pull my skirt down around my ass. I turn around and kiss you long and hard as you put yourself back together. It is then, and only then, that I hear the sound of dozens of people clapping. All around us. I cover my utter embarrassment with small curtsy, grab your hand, and make a quick exit to the car, followed by hoots and howls of appreciation for our seemingly private performance.



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TMI Tuesday: Happy Anniversary!

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009


TMI Tuesday is brought to you by Vixen, Professor Fate, and Stealth. Today they celebrate the Fourth Anniversary of this delightful meme!

1. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how satisfied are you with your life?
Financially (3), I’m struggling like hell now that HTB has gone and I’m on my own in this ridiculously expensive apartment and exorbitant utility bills! On the plus side, I’m happier with myself than I’ve been in my entire life (9) and my romantic life ain’t doing too bad, either (8 and growing).

1a. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how satisfied are you with your sex life?

Oh, that’s easily been a 10 and will probably continue that way…I’ll let you know later today *lascivious grin*

2. What is the easiest way for you to reach orgasm?
Being with someone who knows what the fuck they’re doing!

3. What are 3 inevitable things about you?

  1. I will always be high femme no matter what I’m wearing or how short my hair is.
  2. I will always avoid housework until I have company coming over and am forced to acknowledge the lack of attention to the dust and grime.
  3. I will forever find something physical about myself that I hate and whine about it to anyone who cares to listen (and most don’t).

4. What is your favorite sexual position? (yes you have to narrow it to one)

How do I possibly narrow this down to one? Okay…I’m a big fan of being bent over furniture.

4a. What is you least favorite sexual position?

I’m having a hard time with the one where I am positioned so that my ass is on the very edge of the bed…for some reason the intense pounding of a 7 or 8″ cock causes real pain in my lower abdomen. Not that much fun, I gotta say.

5. Favorite body part/parts of the opposite (or same) sex?
Both sexes: arms, shoulders, particularly biceps. Rock hard, protective, and sex incarnate.

6. Would you rather have your significant other (this can be a hypothetical SO) have sex with someone else or fall in love with someone else? [You have to pick one.]
I suppose fall in love with someone else. Mainly because I know that’s impossible. Who could ever fall out of love with me? I mean, really. ;)

7. When you have a “toe-curling” orgasm, do your toes curl up, or down?

I’m too caught up in what everything else in my body is feeling to worry about my freakin’ toes.

8. Name three words that:
a) get you excited
Fuck your Daddy (and you KNOW what I mean, NOT what it sounds like!)
b) make you squirm
God, you’re sexy
c) make you laugh
Sorry, I farted.

Bonus (as in optional): What is you most embarrassing sexual moment?
In bed with two women (my trilationship) and one of our cats climbed up on the bed and literally squirted diahrea all over me. Lucky you, I have never told anyone else that story.


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MFM: Photos

Monday, October 12th, 2009

Ang, our Sweltering Celt has given us a theme of Photos this week. Although micro…this is no fantasy. Forgive me for wandering aimlessly among the detritus of my life.

The Before: A girlchild. Innocent. Wide open world filled with wonder. 14 years old. Unkempt hair, big glasses, a mouthful of braces. She’s had her first kiss. Her 13th birthday party. The boy had been eating M&Ms and when his tongue pushed into her mouth she pulled away with particles of candy coated shell and the taste of chocolate lingered rather unpleasantly. In the pictures she is smiling, still so young, untouched, happy and unaware.

The After: Three shots in quick succession. She is 15. Slim hips tucked into boys Levis. A red and white baseball tee. Her hair is blow-dried and feathered. She plays with the camera. She is cocky. In one shot her back is to the camera and she looks over her shoulder with a look befitting a much older woman. She already knows the power her body wields. She is cynical, hard. The wall she has built is almost palpable. In one short year she has become something other.

The Now: Digital shots of full breasts, sleek thighs, costumes and wigs and expensive lingerie. Provocative, evocative, erotic. She is older now than her mother was when the After photos were taken. She has lived a life in the aftermath. She has used her body over and over again to get attention. She knows now that she exudes sex but not because of this body. This body has borne a child, grown heavy, become tired. Her nearly suffocating sexuality comes with the wisdom of the ages. The blissful unawareness of the before and the nightmarish hell of the after.

These are my snapshots. This is my life.



Category MicroFantasy Monday / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , /

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Aw Shucks! Sugasm #175

Sunday, October 11th, 2009

Wouldn’t you know it? I land in the top three just before Sugasm goes on an indefinite hiatus! I have to say…this is a real honor for me because there are so many excellent bloggers out there and all of the work was a-ma-zing! My entry was MFM: Frustration. Enjoy everyone’s though…makes for great Sunday reading!

This Week’s Picks
“Sometimes I miss you so much that I am pitiful.”

MFM: Frustration
“I feel the weight of someone kneeling between my legs.”

Give me one
“Give me your orgasm.”

Sugasm Editor
Fetish Fridays: Kidnapping

Editor’s Choice
In Which Steff Has The Worst Birthday Ever

More Sugasm
Join the Sugasm

See more great reading below:

BDSM & Fetish
As luck would have it, I’m the luckiest slave alive.
My Introduction to Bondage
On Your Knees

Erotic Poetry

Sex Advice
What Does Sex Feel Like for a Woman?
Where in the world is my G Spot?

News, Reviews & Interviews
The Erotic Woman
Streaming the Golden Showers
Top Five Tuesday – Bloodsuckers

Sex Humor
Options. Confession #349

NSFW Pics, Videos & Audio
HNT: Clamps
Rock n’ Roll Princess ~HNT

Sex Politics
What the hell is “rape-rape”?

Erotic Writing & Experiences
Always Laurel
Girlfriend – Mandy
Mouth For War
Musing No. 33 – Waterfall
A Taste of Chocolate
What lies beneath

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On Letting Go

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

I am facing a very difficult task and one in which I am not sure I am up to. For a couple of months my sexual relationship with my ex-HTB has been rekindled. We enjoy each other’s company but we don’t date, we rarely go out in public, and I’ve started to feel like an unpaid call girl. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the sex. Despite the many, many problems we encountered in our three year relationship, sex was never one of them. We have a passion for each other that is yet to be matched. In truth, I am addicted to him.

Because I fell in love with him in his physically female form, and went through the subsequent stages of his transition with him—attending therapy, accompanying him to doctor’s appointments, getting heavily involved in transgender activism, serving on panels at transgender conferences, and staying overnight with him during his top surgery and nursing him back to health afterward—I have this Goddess-like feeling that I am the ONLY woman in the world who truly understands that facet of his being and feel in some way that leaving him would leave him stranded.

Now mind you, I am the first person in the world who will say that no one else is responsible for your happiness. But I didn’t truly think this way until just recently. I have been in co-dependent relationships with partners who were wrong for me in so many ways but I looked to each of them for my salvation. Now, as my 45th birthday is fast approaching, I know that, at some point, I am going to want to settle down into a committed relationship. I don’t want a polyamorous life. Been there, done that. I lived in a trilationship with two women for two years sharing a king-sized bed and all the difficulties that went along with it. I have met an amazing woman with whom I share so many common interests. Actually, all of our interests are roughly the same. While I cannot trade one for the other, I am never going to be able to leave myself open to any future possibilities until I am able to walk away from my ex with no residual emotional ties and no desire to run to him for a screaming hot orgasm or two.

There is no future for my ex and I, regardless of our past engagement. I wanted the fairy tale. I wanted the big wedding, the validation that came from being a seemingly heterosexual couple although I missed my gay/lesbian community so very much. I wanted my family to finally accept me and I wanted my son to have a father. But all was rather tenuous based on the fact that everyone, literally everyone, knew of his transition. We have nothing in common. We come from two different worlds and aside from enjoying movies together and some outdoor activities, we have no real foundation upon which to build a lifetime commitment. I will not get divorced again. I will not tolerate certain aspects of his personality that he is unwilling/unable to change. I also drive him batshit with my laissez-faire attitude. He is rigid in his schedule and I am free-floating and subject to change like the wind. He is very happy in the town he grew up in and I want to experience the entire world and all of its diverse cultures. I could go on and on and on…but you get the picture.

So. Norway is here for a few weeks. I am spending the day with my ex. This may be the last time we are together. I don’t know. I want to be emotionally and physically free of any ties that bind, but I need to take that step on my own, not because there MAY be an opportunity around the corner. As I said, I cannot trade one for the other.

…and so, with all of the cerebral knowledge that I have, why am I letting my cunt rule my life?


Category Mid-day Musings / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , , /

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Eulogy for a Vibrator

Friday, October 9th, 2009

She was my favorite, long and thin,

But excessive use did do her in.

Slender with a perfect curve,

She did her job with vim and verve.

At my side for many years,

I mourn her loss with unshed tears.

For I know that soon I’ll find a new one,

That will provide so much more fun.

Herein lies my favorite toy,

She served me well and brought me joy.

With wires torn, her motor died,

But that’s okay—she passed inside.

*With many thanks to Norwayfor suggesting that I blog a little something to honor of the death of my favorite vibrator—in addition to her humorous contributions (particularly the last line). Now, any suggestions for a good replacement? G-spot stimulator with a fuckload of power, please.*

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Something Wicked this Way Cums

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

The kid’s asleep…the lights turned out…the covers pulled back. Our bare skin melds together as though we were carved out of the same earthen clay destined to be one body. Your kisses are featherlight then fierce. Our passion burns through those kisses. Your mouth on my neck. That spot between my neck and shoulder blade that drives me insane with wanting.

Your hands wander the soft expanses of my body. My hands linger on your strong arms and I want to lose myself in them forever. I run my fingers through your hair and listen to your soft moans.

Your kisses travel downward and you envelope my hard nipples in your warm, waiting lips. Your tongue traces quick paths, soft bites, nibbles. Then you suck them hard into your mouth and elicit my gasps as the passion I feel for you hits my very soul like a lightning bolt.

Your ecstasy is my ecstasy. Your passion my passion. You worship at the altar of my cunt. Spreading me wide and licking, sucking, kissing, lapping, eating me until my body bucks and quivers with the wave upon wave of contractions deep within me. My pussy loves you. You tell me of my taste, my smell, the touch, the wet, and your words drive me wild. I want to answer back but all I can manage is gutteral moans and heavy sighs of absolute fulfillment. When your tongue hits my tight little hole I see stars. Having you make love to that absolute sacred place is pure heaven. I want to be totally open to you and I want to be everything you’ve ever wanted in a lover.

I take no greater pleasure than knowing you could cum instantaneously just watching your cock slide into my ass. Slick with lube, I lower myself upon the largest part of the head and as I exhale it slips inside and I am full of your big, beautiful cock. For the first time in my life, I KNOW that I am sexy when you tell me so. I know that you get unbearably hot watching yourself slide in and out of me as I ride you. Grind my hips into you. Rock back and forth. Ever the exhibitionist – I want you to watch me and I know I have the power to make you shudder with mind-blowing orgasms with barely a touch of your balls against your clit.

My goal lies in my fist. Slipping into your oh-so-soaked pussy so very easily. My hand curls into itself and you cradle me inside you as though you could give birth to me. Gave birth to my passion. Brought me into my own as no one ever has. Let me lose any inhibitions I had ever retained and I revel in the relentless driving of my fist in your cunt. My perfect butch boi. You take it all and when you can’t take it anymore you reward me with the force of your cum squirting and gushing all over my tits…filling my pussy with your white hot liquid. And when you lick your juce off my body I am in awe of your absolute sexual prowess.

You make me want to do things I’ve yet to think of. I want to be laid over your lap and feel the sting of your palm between the caress of my cheeks. The welts that rise between the soothing kisses. I want to be tied up and completely at your control. I want you to use my body as it was made for you.

Take me. Fuck me. Suck me. Lick me. Kiss me. Hold me. Spank me. Make me. Eat me. I am yours and everything I have is yours. Do with me what you will for I want to be everything to you. Fulfill all of your fantasies with me. I give up total control to you.


Category Wicked Wednesday / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , , , , , /

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TMI Tuesday: Under Where?

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009


TMI Tuesday is brought to you by Vixen, Professor Fate, and Stealth. Now back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress

1. What is your underwear “style” of choice?
I love silk, satin, or lace boy shorts. However, those don’t fly with my jeans which are usually low-riders so then I am reduced to butt-floss.

2. How old were you when you had your first sexual experience?


3. What about a potential partner turns you on?

Attitude. I just love a bad boi. Give me a butch with ink and biceps and I start to foam at the mouth.

4. Have you ever played a game which may require you or others to disrobe?
All of my games require disrobing. *grin*

5. Given or received finger scratch marks during sexual activity?
I use my nails a LOT. I have left some serious bloody trails on backs and shoulders.

Bonus: How many times is the most you have ever had sex in a 24 hour period?
I have never kept track of an actual number of times. My ex and I can pull all-nighters without stopping. When we first met we would spend an entire weekend in bed so it would be about 36 hours of continuous sex, stopping only to eat every once in a while. Food, that is.


A reminder from Vixen which is well worth the repeat: October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  The 8th ANNUAL Boobie-Thon is currently underway.  They are still taking submissions for photos!  If you haven’t already, you should definitely go check it out.  See what you can do to help out.  Educate yourself.  It’s a really cool idea and they’ve already raised $6899.00!!!



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MFM: Breasts

Monday, October 5th, 2009

Thanks to Ang, our Sweltering Celt, for our MicroFantasy Monday assignment this week to commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness month.

HNTWK1One fingertip traces a curved path from the nape of the neck down to the hollow between the collar bones. This fingertip is followed by soft lips and playful tongue, raising goosebumps and eliciting a delicious shiver of anticipation.

The first button slips through its tight hole. Deft fingers move painfully slowly to the second button and the third and fourth. Deep cleavage appears as silky fabric is laid aside with each release. Satin and lace covers the firm, rounded flesh within.

One hand slides down the spine, pausing to unhook the clasps that bind. Two hands now push both sleeves and straps down impatient arms exposing bare skin that disappears into a pair of low-slung jeans.

Greedy eyes flash as hands now grasp the breasts unleashed and the back arches as fingers pinch.

I throw my head back involuntarily and a groan of pure pleasure rises from my throat as her teeth close down upon my nipple.


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HNT: Pin-up Redux

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

My apologies again, folks. A sick kid at home means I can’t get half-nekkid and take pics of myself today. So here we are with another oldie. My homage to 50′s pin-up girls. Check out other (newer!) HNTs at Osbasso’s Views From the Back Row. Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday!




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About Me

I'm a recent transplant to somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. While mothering my energetic 10-year-old son, I'm also working as a contract graphic designer, freelance proofreader and copy editor, and planning an October 1, 2011 wedding to my anam cara, soul mate, and best friend (they all come rolled into one fantastically hot and ultra-intellectual package). In my rare spare time, I write as much as I possibly can and in several different places. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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