TMI Tuesday: This or That
May 10, 2011 at 8:14 am , by scintillectual
Okay, I told you not to hold your breath, but I’ve missed the TMI Tuesday posts and found a new one had been put up back in…wait for it…April! Only a month ago! So…here you are. Perhaps I’ll send them a list of questions and we can get this little meme going once again.
Which one:
Smelly feet or smelly breath?
Smelly feet. I can always ask someone to put on socks but kissing someone with stank breath is no fun! I try awfully hard to avoid both…but because I often wear Keds without sneakers? Yeah, kinda gross. (Hey, it is TMI Tuesday!)
Overwhelming pleasure or repetitive numbing pain?
Would anyone actually answer repetitive numbing pain? I’m so going for overwhelming pleasure. Bring it on!
Phone calls or text messages?
Phone calls. I am often on the road and can’t text. I much prefer the nuances in someone’s voice over trying to “read” their signals in a text message. That said, there is something to sending naughty text messages to DPR at work and causing inconvenient boners *reaches for cell*
Being spanked or getting spanked?
Is there a difference here? Did we mean spanking or getting spanked? I’m so confused. If it’s the latter then I am definitely the spankee, not the spanker! I keep begging to be put over DPR’s knee but because I want it so much she sees it as a reward rather than a punishment. I’m wondering just how bad do I have to be to get what I want? *grin*
Go blind or become deaf ?
Deaf! Silence is golden and I’m a voyeur…which would YOU pick?
Bonus (optional):What is one choice you’ve made that you would like to change the outcome to?
I can’t change the outcome to any of my choices. I’ve made so many mistakes in my life and I do have one great regret in particular, but every path led me here and I wouldn’t change *here* for the world.
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