MFM: Rain

April 26, 2010 at 4:43 am , by scintillectual

Thanks to Ang, our darling Sweltering Celt, for Week 77’s theme: Rain. Don’t we all need a day like this?

The alarm on my phone goes off precisely at 7 a.m. I reach out my right arm and turn it off, careful not to disturb you. You sleep soundly, still, your body curled into mine protectively, your hand cupping my left breast. I have to wonder if we moved at all since falling asleep just a few short hours earlier. I sigh, thinking of all that I need to get done today. As a freelancer, I never seem to get even one day of respite—not even on a Saturday. There are deadlines to be met, my Weight Watcher’s meeting to attend, household chores begging my attention.

The bed is warm and soft. Your body feels deliciously naked next to my own. I shudder slightly with a flashback from the night before—just a fleeting memory of your hand idly toying with my pussy while I sucked you off (oh, what a good girl, you said). I feel a jolt through my groin and smile as I grow wet yet again. Oh, to have a valid reason to spend the day in bed, full steam ahead, damn the torpedoes.

I roll onto my back and try to drum up the energy to get up and get in the shower. You rouse slightly and your hand falls to my thigh. Mmmm…yeah, that’s not helping. Neither is the way you nuzzle into my neck and murmer your good mornings. I am torn between the need to take care of my obligations and the overwhelming desire to spread my legs and let you trace lazy circles on my clit, persistent in its own wanting.

Okay, enough. I really need to move my ass and not in a good way. I raise myself up on my elbows when I hear it for the first time; the perfect excuse to fall back into your arms drums its staccato rhythm on the roof. The distant rumble of thunder soothes my soul as the rain washes away any shred of guilt I feel as I pull your hand into my cunt and laugh out loud at your quizzical, yet exclamatory, “honey!”



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7 Comments so far

by Blazer

On April 26, 2010 at 6:39 am

Those damn thunder storms are so damn inconvenient. How is one expected to copy write or do household chores while it’s raining outside? It’s nice to have a new story from you to start out the week. Have a good one!

by scintillectual

On April 26, 2010 at 6:45 am

I know, it’s been a little too long between erotica. Of course I have 87492837493 deadlines this week but now that my name has been bandied about, I feel a bit of an obligation to keep the site up and current! :)

by DreadPirateRobert

On April 26, 2010 at 8:50 am

Oh Honey, this is wonderful. Again, so like us, so telling the way we move together in our daily life…when we have it. And, it is hot, indeed. Two short days and I will be there; you will be in my arms; the long night of waiting will be over–perhaps, it will rain…
I love you.

by scintillectual

On April 26, 2010 at 9:17 am

*jumping up and down* Two more sleeps! I abso-fuckin-lutely cannot WAIT to pick you up at the airport Wednesday night. Now, I’d like to clear some of this debris off of my desk so it can be put to better use when you get here. *grin*

by DreadPirateRobert

On April 26, 2010 at 4:15 pm

I’m beside myself with excitement. Two more sleeps!!! *winking and smiling* So looking forward to getting off that plane and finding you waiting to take me home. Make a place on the desk, the table, the big red chair…Butch Daddy is coming home,sugar! [Be a good girl until I get there...]

by saintchick

On April 27, 2010 at 3:35 pm

I read these MFM of your’s and I know I should know better.. but DAYUM !!

by scintillectual

On April 27, 2010 at 7:57 pm

*smirk* Thank you, sweetie! I’m glad you seem to like them. :)

7 Responses to “ MFM: Rain ”

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About Me

I am a suburban single mom—copy editor of higher ed textbooks by day, superwoman without a clue at night. I have a string of failed relationships and have lived to tell about it. I am also highly sexual but not having a lot of sex (primarily due to the fact that the love of my life lives some 800 miles away right now). This means that I use my imagination to its fullest extent and have to test out a lot of my toys for review solo. I have to believe there are other folks out there who, whether by choice or by force, enjoy the pleasures of self-love.In addition to masturbation, I write. A lot. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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