I’m coming out…

April 24, 2010 at 9:37 am , by scintillectual

as a writer of erotica. I have felt for some time that my “mainstream” writing for Ourbiggayborhood.com under my real name may eventually lead to the “outing” of my creative work here, under my pseudonym. Indeed, today, my worlds collided in a way that rivals the Big Bang Theory. You see, last week one of the editors at OBG asked if she could profile me and explained that the crux of the article would revolve around my erotica. This is truly dichotomous to the writing I do, both for OBG and for my own mainstream site, www.dazedunconfused.wordpress.com. I write, as co-editor Margo Moon puts it, slices of wholesome Americana. I just happen to be lesbian and that’s how I wound up writing for OBG.

Ever since I granted my approval to Ms. Moon for the article, I’ve been on pins and needles. Even at 45 years of age, I was dreading the idea that my parents (my mother in particular) might come across this website accidentally (you know, while googling butch/femme fisting or some such thing). I know that my mother proudly reads my articles each month and I also felt there was a very good chance that she’d come across the profile whether I pointed it out to her or not. So, last night, knowing that the profile was due to post today, I called my mom and finally got up the nerve to tell her the news. Her daughter is a *gasp* writer of erotica. Trust me, this was far harder than the day I told my parents I’m gay and that was in my very early 20s. I must say that she took it really, really well. I did not provide her with specifics, like the fact that I also review sex toys and participate in Half-Nekkid Thursdays, but I did say that I didn’t really want her reading this stuff. She countered by telling me she really didn’t want to read it. Whew! Her only real concern is that I may somehow get branded in this particular genre and may then have trouble publishing the single parenting essays I’ve been hard at work on for quite awhile. She may be right. I have to hope not.

In the meantime, all 280 of my Facebook friends now know my alter ego; and on the flip side, all of my readers here now know who I really am. Clark Kent has revealed himself to be Superman and Cat Woman has thrown aside her mask. I am Diana Coe, single lesbian mom, writer of wholesome Americana. I am also Scintillectual, loving partner to DPR (who, by default, I’m afraid, will also be unmasked), writer of sometimes rather steamy literary erotica.

My worlds have collided. I am no longer sheltered under the blanket of my pseudonym. Now that it’s done, you can read me here and at www.ourbiggayborhood.com. You may not recognize me with my clothes on.


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11 Comments so far

by Blazer

On April 24, 2010 at 10:11 am

What an incredibly brave step to take and what a great relief your mother’s response must have been. As I hope you know, I am a huge fan of all of your writing, erotica as well as the wholesome Americana. Your talent deserves all the recognition it can get. I hope this merging of both worlds will lead to more. I heart you.

by scintillectual

On April 24, 2010 at 10:41 am

You, Blazer, are the reason I write. If I can reach one person, touch one person in some way, then I’ve done my job. You’ve been a faithful reader of my work from day one and you can’t possibly know how much I appreciate you. I don’t always get around to replying to every comment, but I treasure your friendship and your opinions. I heart you right back. :)

by DreadPirateRobert

On April 24, 2010 at 10:48 am

Sugar, I am so proud of you…and, as you know, quite proud of your work; all of it! You are a wonderfully talented writer and I rejoice in the fact that more people will now be able to see just how gifted you are. By the way: I am not only happy to be unmasked with you, but proud and excited. You totally rock my world, entire…and, I love you.

by Holden

On April 24, 2010 at 11:41 am

Well done, a very brave move (here’s hoping my mother never googles butch/femme fisting and stumbles across anything I’ve written!).

Your writing is fabulous and you should be very proud.

by lescook

On April 24, 2010 at 12:28 pm

Just think of the colliding worlds as melding all the colours of your personality to make up a great big, rainbow.

It’s a pretty impressive picture from where I’m sitting. :)

by scintillectual

On April 24, 2010 at 1:03 pm

Thank you, sweetheart. Not only did I drag you into this world of blogging but now I’ve inadvertently outed you and your work as well! I couldn’t be happier that you are so supportive of this very public move of mine. I sometimes have moments of sheer terror now that all is said and done, but we are who we are, eh? The wannabe Gertrude and Alice of the 21st century (hopefully much better looking!). Ah, I love you.

by scintillectual

On April 24, 2010 at 1:06 pm

Holden, thank you. Your support means a lot to me (and I have to admit to being a tad starstruck at the moment, as I am whenever another writer, whose work I admire tremendously, pays me a compliment). You know, don’t you, that Li and I are going to have to hop across the pond at some point and get you and your wife to give us a tour of your little seaside town? I think we’d have a fabulous time, indeed!

by scintillectual

On April 24, 2010 at 1:09 pm

Kerie, you’ve painted a beautiful image and one that I feel I can be proud of. I’m so happy to be contributing to even one bright, shining spot on that great big rainbow! Thank you, sweetie! :)

by Margo Moon

On April 24, 2010 at 5:24 pm

Holy guacamole! I’m so glad you’re happy about all this. Of course, I’d have never published the profile if you’d had the tiniest objection.

Kind of a wild ride, eh? Now just wait until the erotica anthology comes out…

Just sayin’.

by scintillectual

On April 24, 2010 at 6:56 pm

Margo, it’s wonderful! And truly, much better to do it now and pave the way for the book, right? My mother actually asked if I was already published! *grin* I don’t think she’ll be showing the book off to all of her friends but I don’t think she’ll disown me either. It’s all good and all thanks to you (well, and Lori, too, for taking a chance on me at OBG!). :)

by Holden

On April 26, 2010 at 11:27 am

We’d be more than happy to show you round our seaside town. We’d love to meet you both and yes we would have a fabulous time. :-)

11 Responses to “ I’m coming out… ”

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About Me

I am a suburban single mom—copy editor of higher ed textbooks by day, superwoman without a clue at night. I have a string of failed relationships and have lived to tell about it. I am also highly sexual but not having a lot of sex (primarily due to the fact that the love of my life lives some 800 miles away right now). This means that I use my imagination to its fullest extent and have to test out a lot of my toys for review solo. I have to believe there are other folks out there who, whether by choice or by force, enjoy the pleasures of self-love.In addition to masturbation, I write. A lot. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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