Archive for the ‘ Aw shucks! ’ Category

Andy was right…

Friday, July 1st, 2011

although in our case, it seems our 15 minutes may last just a bit longer than that.

A few months ago, I started campaigning in earnest for EqualityNC. Having been a very active member of MTPC (Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition), I found myself at odds when I moved to North Carolina and needed a political cause. Oh, how to choose? The easiest one to start with, of course, was the one right under my very formidable nose: marriage equality. It wasn’t long before I was asked to submit our story to the Equality NC’s wedding registry and you can find our photo and brief synopsis here: The Marriage of Diana and Li. At the same time, we were asked if we’d be interested in being interviewed for their upcoming documentary “Know + Love.” Of course we gave an enthusiastic thumbs up and eagerly await our turn in the spotlight. When the film comes out, we’ll be sure to give you a heads-up.

In the meantime, I believe we may have found ourselves the North Carolina poster children for gay marriage. I opened a mass e-mail today from EqualityNC. It referred to the 2010 census and the fact there are over 23,000 registered gay and lesbian couples living in this state. Those are just the ones that chose to identify themselves on the census. Or even bothered to fill it out. At the time, Li and I were not living together and I had to list myself as a single mother, head of household. So, hey, there’s actually 23, 001. Anyhoo…I’m scrolling through the e-mail and whoa! There’s our photo! We’re famous folks!

So, I’m busy planning a wedding and trying to figure out just how to walk up to Barack Obama and tell him to get off the schtick and get a bill passed that does away with DOMA once and for all (I mean really…how long is it going to take for us to get the other 44 states in line with the idea that “all men [sic] are created equal” actually DOES include those of us in the GLBT community and trust me, if you LET us get married? The wedding industry could single-handedly revive our economic crisis). Meanwhile, Li is hard at work starting a brave new community outreach project and has already done one public speaking engagement with another only a few weeks away. I’m encouraging her to get to blogging again but both of our lives are chock full of craziness and are sure to be for the next three months at least. Hopefully her non-profit will launch just after our honeymoon and things will either quiet down or liven up in the most wonderful of ways. The best things in life are happening here and I’m feeling very positive. Very positive indeed.

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Femme Fabulosity

Monday, March 7th, 2011

Whew! *cough, cough* I really need to get in here with a dustbuster and some Pledge. In the meantime, won’t you all go over and take a look at my BFF, Femme Fairy Godmother‘s site and check out her new Femme Fabulosity feature? Today’s fabulous femme is none other than…drumroll please…me! If you are a femme who would like to be included, simply copy the questions and send your answers, photos (if you’d like to include some), and any links you would like to add to femmefairygodmother at gmail dot com (you know you have to turn that into an actual email addy, right?).

I promise I’ll be back around to catch you all up on the crazy busy wonderful wedding planning that is my life right now. But don’t hold your breath. It may take me a few days!

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Queen for a Day

Friday, October 1st, 2010

My darling DPR nominated me as one of Rhett’s Queens of the Rodeo over on his site, Musings from the High Speed Rodeo. I got up this morning to find pics of myself plastered all over his page along with some truly blush-worthy text written by my sweetie. So get on over there and check it out. Don’t forget to browse around and see the Queens that came before me and if you have a beautiful femme Queen you’d like to nominate, step up to the bar and do so!

Oh, and if you were ever curious about what I look like from the neck up? You won’t be anymore! *grin*


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Look ma! I’m a Lezzy…finalist!

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Yes! It’s true!!! I’m a bonafide lesbian writer of erotica and actually getting some seriously positive feedback for it! This morning, I received the following notification on the blog I posted just last night regarding the fact that I had been nominated for a 2009 Lezzy Award:

“Congratulations! Your blog is a finalist in The 2009 Lezzy Awards in the following category/ies: Best Lesbian Sex/Short Story/Erotica Blog!

Voting runs from February 22nd at 12:00 pm EDT to 12:00 am EDT March 2nd. Please visit for The Lezzy Rules, FAQ, and to pick up a voting graphic for your blog or podcast website.In the mean time feel free to Twitter and Facebook your ass off for votes! There’s nothing like some friendly lesbian competition!”

So…the next step is to ask you all who deem my work worthy, to click on the link below (or in the sidebar, which will be up throughout the voting period) and vote each and every day until March 2nd. Please read the rules (linked above) to be sure your vote will count. I’m beyond excited to be recognized as part of a very large and extremely talented group of women. I’m also quite thankful to my readers who hold up a mirror to my work here, and the blogging community at large, for you all are a wondrously creative and supportive bunch.

Now VOTE!!!


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2009 Lezzy Awards

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

Well, knock me down with a feather! I come back from 10 glorious days spent with DPR (and no way to access my admin page, having stupidly…or perhaps on purpose…left my password info back home) and find out that I’ve been nominated for a 2009 Lezzy Award in the Best Lesbian Sex/Short Story/Erotica Blog category. Of course, having just now returned, I’m a tad late in posting this. Nominations end tonight at midnight and the more nominations a blog gets, the better chance there is of moving on to the voting round that continues into March. I’d surely love it if you’d go HERE and make a nomination in my honor. But at the same time, please consider nominating some of my very worthy fellow lesbian bloggers as well:

Butchtastic—he already has nominations in both parenting and personal and with your help and additional nominations, you can push him right to the top of the list. If you don’t already read Kyle, make his blog a daily stop. He is smart, funny, dead honest, and open. I’ve learned a lot from Kyle in the year or so that I’ve been part of this particular blogging community and he is so worth the read!

Femme Fairy GodMother—Okay, I admit it, she’s my bff. But there’s a reason for that! She’s not only insanely attractive (and, ahem, currently single for y’all tall, handsome butches out there) but she’s witty, creative, and talented. Her blogs run to the humorous with a dash of Betty Crocker thrown in.

Martini Cartwheels—CJ makes me piss my pants laughing! She’s good fun and a great way to put a smile in your day. I have only read her for six months or so but I will be a fan as long as she keeps her site going. And because she lives fairly close we are definitely doing lunch someday soon!

Naked Girl in a Big Gay World—It’s my darling thunder from down under. Zoe is sarcastic, scary smart, funny as shit, and opinionated as all hell. Plus, she’s not afraid to say “cunt” in her Facebook updates. I just love that about a dyke, don’t you?

Finally, as a shameless plug and because I don’t think they have a category she fits into…just go read Femme Poet. She has several blog sites going and, well, I’m her editor for her book, Healing Passions, so read on, Macduff!

Please don’t forget the top three nominees in each category make it to the voting round, which is why multiple nominations are important (make sure to click on the link in the email response you get when you make a nomination, or else it won’t count)

Nominate your favorite lesbian blogs here


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Friday Favoritism

Friday, November 27th, 2009

…and tag! I’m it!!! The week started with me in a total tizzy when Pleasurists #55 came out and I found I had been chosen by Madame Editrix Scarlet Lotus St. Syr as the Editor’s Pick of the Week. Since this was just the second sex toy review I have EVER done, you can imagine how excited I was! You can also imagine how excited the crew at TabuToys is as well!

Fast forward to this afternoon and I was all agog at the number of hits I had gotten today. Where were they coming from? Fleshbot’s Weekly Sex Blog Roundup!!! Yes, folks! C’est moi!!!

After yesterday’s massive pigout, I do believe my head has now swelled to match my expanding waistline. Good thing mom and dad got me WII Fit for my birthday (at my request, lest you think my parents are handing out hints about my weight!). I’ll settle down soon, but right now I’m reveling in all the glory. :)

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Friday kudos!

Friday, October 30th, 2009

I’m always so happy when some of my “work” gets picked up somewhere in our little community of sex bloggers. I am really tickled that Adam & Eve’s Broken Headboard‘s chose me for the second time as part of their Half-Nekkid Roundup! All of those contortions to beat the timer on my cell phone actually paid off. Thanks, y’all!

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Aw Shucks! Sugasm #175

Sunday, October 11th, 2009

Wouldn’t you know it? I land in the top three just before Sugasm goes on an indefinite hiatus! I have to say…this is a real honor for me because there are so many excellent bloggers out there and all of the work was a-ma-zing! My entry was MFM: Frustration. Enjoy everyone’s though…makes for great Sunday reading!

This Week’s Picks
“Sometimes I miss you so much that I am pitiful.”

MFM: Frustration
“I feel the weight of someone kneeling between my legs.”

Give me one
“Give me your orgasm.”

Sugasm Editor
Fetish Fridays: Kidnapping

Editor’s Choice
In Which Steff Has The Worst Birthday Ever

More Sugasm
Join the Sugasm

See more great reading below:

BDSM & Fetish
As luck would have it, I’m the luckiest slave alive.
My Introduction to Bondage
On Your Knees

Erotic Poetry

Sex Advice
What Does Sex Feel Like for a Woman?
Where in the world is my G Spot?

News, Reviews & Interviews
The Erotic Woman
Streaming the Golden Showers
Top Five Tuesday – Bloodsuckers

Sex Humor
Options. Confession #349

NSFW Pics, Videos & Audio
HNT: Clamps
Rock n’ Roll Princess ~HNT

Sex Politics
What the hell is “rape-rape”?

Erotic Writing & Experiences
Always Laurel
Girlfriend – Mandy
Mouth For War
Musing No. 33 – Waterfall
A Taste of Chocolate
What lies beneath

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Bottom's Up!

Friday, September 25th, 2009

Just wanted to send a great big shout-out to Adam & Eve’s site Broken Headboard for including my Tutu Redux in their Friday HNT Roundup this week! I don’t know how they found me, but I’m flattered that they did! Thanks, Bree!

Another thank you to Southern Sage, for including me in his HNT Faves this week as well. My, I’m feeling quite flushed indeed!


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Stealing the Honest Scrap Award

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Okay, it isn’t actually stealing because (notice, FFG that I did NOT use the word “since”) my BFF Femme Fairy Godmother tagged me for this award for one of my *other* blogs (which I will not post a link to here since it will immediately give away not only my identity, but also that of everyone I’ve ever known, from my mom to my methadone junkie next door neighbors). This morning I read her highly amusing piece that was entirely ripped off from another highly amusing blogger, Martini Cartwheels. Seriously funny. So funny that I decided to carjack the original idea and do my own version. One that befits a sex blogger. Watch Reality TV much?

1. Survivor: My first instinct was to say that I could totally sleep my way to the top three but then I have no sense of balance so I’d end up losing out to the final two, hands down. Then I realized that I am so not 24 anymore (that’s an age reference, not a reference to another show because this is reality TV and I hear that show has a woman president now) and prancing around in a bikini in the shape that I’m in would make me the new Richard Hatch. Following that train of thought, it is true that going on Survivor is possibly the best diet trick in the world. Last tangential thought on trying to screw my way through to a million bucks? Aside from the woman named “Truck” (or some such thing) with the mullet and headband and possibly some of the old or fat guys who might get really desperate after 15 days or so…we’re talking about blonde femmes (ewwwww) and young studs ( “cougar” anyone?). I guess Survivor is out.

2. The Amazing Race: I am all about travel so this would be an ideal show regardless of the fact that you are zipping through foreign countries faster than you can say “lesbian fuckbuddies” and don’t even have time to linger in Amsterdam to do some window shopping (wink, wink). Also, given the fact that I would so definitely take Norway with me because she has traveled to like, everywhere, (she thinks Iceland rocks) we probably wouldn’t get out of the starting gate because we’d be fucking all night in our first hotel stop and we’d sleep through the alarm the next morning.

3. American Idol: Given that we’ve already established that I can’t wear a bikini, that tried-and-true method of making it to Hollywood is out of the question. I can’t stomach trying to seduce Simon or Randy, and Cara just scares me. That leaves us with Ellen (thank God because the thought of going down on Paula Abdul just makes me nauseous) who I think might just forget about her anorectic wife long enough to slip behind the backdrop with me for a quickie. But even with her vote, that’s one out of four and although I can hold a tune enough to be in my church choir (a real church, which is not like “she’s a member of *our* church,” which is also like *a friend of Dorothy*…see? Tangential.) I doubt that my version of “Old Time Religion” will win over the hearts of millions.

4. I’m only doing five of these, I promise. WipeOut: I fucking love this show. There is nothing better than watching people get seriously injured while humiliating themselves on national television. I can’t do anything remotely sexual to get further than the interview with yet another gorgeous femme. While I may ask her what shade of lipstick she’s wearing, I so cannot bring myself to do the “femme/femme” thing, especially not for a paltry $50,000. I am such an old school dyke. Really.

5. Big Brother: I am the queen of drama and totally adept at mind games and can really pull off being your best friend one minute while stabbing you in the neck with a fork the next (FFG, you have nothing to worry about, I love you darling!). While sexcapades abound on this show, the night vision camera is so terribly unflattering that I wouldn’t even audition.

Okay…5 fast fucks to make it an even 10:

6. America’s Next Top Model: Strapping it on for an aspiring supermodel is like sleeping with a bicycle. All bones and knees and elbows. Next!

7. The Apprentice: I wouldn’t blow the Donald even if he put me in his will to get half his empire. I *might* consider it if he granted me an all-day, all expenses paid shopping trip through the ever-so-chic shops in Trump Tower. Then again, *gag*

8. Project Runway: Has there been a leather fetish designer yet? If not, I’m so on the list. How hard can it be to spray latex on a mannequin and roll her down the runway, trussed up like Hannibal Lecter?

9. The Biggest Loser: I really only need to lose about 30 lbs. so I doubt I’d even be let on the show, but if I were, it would be fun to try and pull off the food scene from 9 1/2 weeks with granola bars and protein shakes.

10. Can they create a lesbian version of the Bachelor? FFG might do this show because she wants a girlfriend and she’s already slept with all the women within a 50 mile radius of her hometown (I kid, woman, I kid! Sort of.). I also said that as her best friend I would go down on her if all the lights were out and she could pretend I was super butch. Sadly, I think she’d still toss me immediately. I’m too short.


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About Me

I'm a recent transplant to somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. While mothering my energetic 10-year-old son, I'm also working as a contract graphic designer, freelance proofreader and copy editor, and planning an October 1, 2011 wedding to my anam cara, soul mate, and best friend (they all come rolled into one fantastically hot and ultra-intellectual package). In my rare spare time, I write as much as I possibly can and in several different places. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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