Friday Favoritism
November 27, 2009 at 8:26 pm , by scintillectual
…and tag! I’m it!!! The week started with me in a total tizzy when Pleasurists #55 came out and I found I had been chosen by Madame Editrix Scarlet Lotus St. Syr as the Editor’s Pick of the Week. Since this was just the second sex toy review I have EVER done, you can imagine how excited I was! You can also imagine how excited the crew at TabuToys is as well!
Fast forward to this afternoon and I was all agog at the number of hits I had gotten today. Where were they coming from? Fleshbot’s Weekly Sex Blog Roundup!!! Yes, folks! C’est moi!!!
After yesterday’s massive pigout, I do believe my head has now swelled to match my expanding waistline. Good thing mom and dad got me WII Fit for my birthday (at my request, lest you think my parents are handing out hints about my weight!). I’ll settle down soon, but right now I’m reveling in all the glory.
Category Aw shucks! / Tags: Tags: accolades, Aw shucks!, awards, fleshbot, Reviews, /
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by CJ
On November 28, 2009 at 10:06 am
Congrats on being awarded The Pick of The Week. A well deserved honor. The review was excellent!