1. Name one thing that turns you on with unprecedented success.
DPR (heh…okay, besides her…I’ve recently discovered that if you tell me I’m a good girl in the middle of a really naughty act, it puts me right over the edge)!
2. Quick! Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.
The candle on my desk, the ice in my water, and the card table in the middle of my office.
3. Do you consider sex good even if you don’t orgasm?
No, I find it really frustrating. First of all, I orgasm easily so if my partner can’t get me there (and we’re talking on a regular basis because even I have off days—hell, I gave up on myself the last two times I masturbated!) then that’s pretty much a deal breaker. Secondly, I am multi-orgasmic (to the point of coming solidly for a good hour), and sometimes I find that I need one HUGE one to finish me off so that I will finally stop having sex for awhile. Huh, junkie, anyone?
4. If you could be the opposite sex for one day, what sexual position or act would you like to experience from the other side?
I’m a dyke. I LOVE pussy. You just know that I’m going to want to know what it feels like to have such a sensate organ inside a vagina. So yeah, just the once though, I’m VERY happy with all of my girl parts.
5.Describe a sexual fantasy in 10 words or less.
DPR with cock in my ass in the big chair. (The Clue version. Hey, I know it sounds pedestrian but we just keep running out of time when she’s here.)
Bonus (optional): Pretend you’re a doctor and a patient has come in with an “ache”. What is your course of “treatment”?
Sigh, my patients are always so difficult. Restraints are in order; perhaps a sedative or horse tranquilizer, too. Then I’ll proceed to instruct my nurse to make it all better while I oversee the entire process. (Oh, wait…did I just answer the long version of the fantasy question? Bahahahaa!

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by DreadPirateRobert
On April 6, 2010 at 5:46 am
This was a treat, Sugar. Now, all I can think about is playing Clue with you in the big chair…should be an interesting day! I love you. [As you wish...]
by Blazer
On April 6, 2010 at 6:35 am
Funny and sexy. What a great combination!
by scintillectual
On April 6, 2010 at 8:29 am
That’s what she said.