HNT: Marilyn

June 9, 2010 at 7:02 pm , by scintillectual

DPR was here for a much too brief visit this past week. While we finally made time to get out of bed and do some sightseeing, we also managed to get in quite a few photo sessions. These two shots (don’t forget the click-through!) show off one of my favorite tee’s and a really fabulous pair of patent leather hot pants given to me by a friend recently. LOVE the zippers in all the right places. ;) Don’t forget to visit Osbasso for more HNT goodness.





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12 Comments so far

by DreadPirateRobert

On June 9, 2010 at 7:11 pm

I love this photo, sugar…and, as always, I loved taking it as well as the others. I won’t say anymore here, but you know how I feel about the zippers in all the right places.

by PandaDementia

On June 9, 2010 at 7:33 pm

So very hot. BOTH of the pictures! Glad you got to spend some “face time” with your love! <3

by Lila

On June 9, 2010 at 7:45 pm

ha, that is a perfectly placed zipper! wonderful shots. :)

by Emmy

On June 9, 2010 at 8:23 pm

WOW!!! I love Marilyn, but I LOVE those zippers!
Happy HNT!

by sweetspiced

On June 9, 2010 at 8:45 pm

*fans self* and here I thought I wasn’t a fan of latex!

Nice shot for a very enjoyable weekend I’m sure!

by Blazer

On June 9, 2010 at 8:57 pm

*DPR – look away* Wow, those are some awesomely hot pants! Almost as hot as the ass showing them off. Really love the zipper convenience as well. I am hoping this is just the first two in a series. ;)

by DreadPirateRobert

On June 10, 2010 at 4:58 am

Hey, Blazer: it’s OK if you think my woman is hot! I do too!! “Look away…” LMAO! BTW: there are more…catch you later, buddy.

by Vixen

On June 10, 2010 at 8:37 am

Great photo and that click?! *Whoa* Lovin the ink as well :)


by the eternal list

On June 10, 2010 at 9:01 am

i want that shirt!

by Sage

On June 10, 2010 at 10:49 am

Boo Yowwww

Ummmm lemme hold that zipper wouldja?

Awesome pic girl!

by Kyle

On June 10, 2010 at 3:01 pm

oh, wow, those are very practical shorts, aren’t they? mmmmhmm sexy as always, Scin

by lescook

On June 10, 2010 at 5:51 pm


12 Responses to “ HNT: Marilyn ”

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About Me

I'm a recent transplant to somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. While mothering my energetic 10-year-old son, I'm also working as a contract graphic designer, freelance proofreader and copy editor, and planning an October 1, 2011 wedding to my anam cara, soul mate, and best friend (they all come rolled into one fantastically hot and ultra-intellectual package). In my rare spare time, I write as much as I possibly can and in several different places. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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