Posts Tagged ‘ Wicked Wednesday ’

Wicked Wednesday: Hogtied

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Two days have passed since we’d seen each other. I thought that once I was a scant two miles down the road, we’d be together all the time. I hadn’t bargained on all of the minutia of day-to-day life—a new job with a fairly long commute, visits with my family, time I need to spend alone with my son, time you need with your mother, not to mention the small silly things like banking and grocery shopping. Today, however, I had cleared the decks. My son was sent to a friend’s house and I have no impending work. I am looking forward to spending time together and thinking of what we might do as I move from room to room, tidying up as I go along.

I am just pulling taut the wrinkles in the comforter, bending over to smooth out the folds, when I feel your hands on my hips. I jump and started to turn—I hadn’t heard you come in. “Oh baby, don’t move,” you say, “let me look at you.” I grin to myself. I know what parts of my body drive you crazy. I know you have a thing for my legs—my thighs and calves well-muscled and tight from daily hip-hop and Zumba classes (my newfound passion next to you)—and, of course, my ass. You sigh appreciatively and put your hands firmly on my shoulders, pushing me down across the bed. “Mmmm…naughty boi…what are you up to?” I expect your usual comeback (“oh, about 5’4”) but you shush me and I stretch my arms out languidly.

You reach around me and quickly unzip my jean shorts. They drop to the floor and I arch my back as you push my panties down around my ankles to join them. I am already achingly wet with anticipation and frustration. I imagine your fingers slipping into me but you have something else in mind entirely and you know it will make me want you ever so much more. While I expect you to take your boi-clit in hand (there is nothing quite like having you jerk off against my bare skin—your hand bumping against my swollen clit with each thrust), I am pleasantly surprised when I feel your cock slide between the cheeks of my ass. Your hand comes down hard upon me and I gasp with the exquisite pain. Again, you thwart my expectations. Rather than bending over to kiss the welt you have raised, your hand caresses my skin and I feel the wetness that you have produced soothe the burn like a balm.

I press myself back against you and spread my legs as wide as I possible can—opening myself to you utterly. “Oh, what a good girl…” you say and a moan escapes me involuntarily. Now you have a purpose. With cock in hand, lubricated by your own juices, you begin to slowly pull your shaft. I feel your fist and then the head of your cock alternately pushing at my anus, wet and open. I crave your cock inside me but you aren’t ready. You pick up the pace and all the nasty thoughts in my head flow from my mouth and I can’t stop them (I want to be your good girl, your bad girl, your dirty little whore, filthy slut, everything you want, fill me up, use me, take me, spank me, please, daddy, please daddy please, daddy please daddy please). Driven by my words you jerk off faster and harder—the sound of your breathing nearly overrides the stream of dirty talk that I have no apparent control over. Very soon you stiffen and moan and your hand tugs hard on your cock one final time as you collapse over me.

I smile and begin to turn over, expecting (the unexpected, by now?) you to hold me for a bit as you catch your breath. Again, you take me by surprise. Holding me down you tell me that you brought me a bit of a present but I am not to move. I obey although my cunt is throbbing with need. You leave the room and when you come back, you slip my new blindfold over my eyes. The sudden darkness and my vulnerable position make me weak with desire. But, that isn’t all you’ve brought. I feel something snakelike and silky coil across my back. It feels familiar, but not like anything we’ve used before. I try to place the texture but before I can name it you pull my arms backward and bend my knees, placing my hands around my own ankles. Rope. Silken rope.

I am now tethered to myself in the middle of my own bed in my own room. You leave again and I hear you in the kitchen. This is becoming maddening. I can’t even begin to imagine how swollen and red my pussy must be. You are silent when you return and this time the sensation is immediately recognizable. Oh how I love the white-hot pain of ice, particularly when my body temperature is already soaring.

You run the cube down the middle of my back and then let it melt slightly in the crack of my ass. I am wild with wanting some relief. I ache with want. You reach under my body and rub the ice against my rock-hard nipples then bring it back and before I can even begin to beg you slip it inside me with two fingers. My orgasm is instantaneous. Hot, clear liquid gushes forth and I shudder. My body fights itself within the confines of the ropes. You are relentlessly working my clit—your tongue and fingers everywhere. I know you must be on your knees between my legs. My arms grow sore but I don’t care. Every sense I have is centered on my cunt and the wave after wave of contractions you pull forth from me.

The ice cube is long melted within me and I radiate nothing but heat. I can do nothing but whimper in the darkness and I am dimly aware of you lovingly untying my ropes. My arms have fallen asleep—they are numb and tingling. As soon as I am free my body curls in upon itself and you crawl over behind me, holding me tightly, whispering your love into my ear. You rock me quietly, soothing me.

And before too long, I reach over between your legs. I want what I want and, after all, we do have all day.



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Wicked Wednesday: Chivalry

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

Feeling compelled to write after last week’s self-indulgent sulkfest, I requested an assignment from DPR. The following was inspired by a little bedtime banter we’d had—very playful, extremely cute. The kind of stuff that makes other people want to vomit. I, personally, loved it and asked her if she could expand on it for me. She went in a very different direction (only one small part of this would give you a clue as to what we’d been teasing each other about) and I was really blown away by what she sent. Normally, she’ll set a rough scene for me and I will go off with it; this time, however, her writing was thorough and good, really good. So good in fact, that I couldn’t rewrite it. So, I am presenting a joint venture. The first part, from DPR is very much her impression of me. Think DPR and Scintillectual circa 1984–85. Then, I take over. I hope you enjoy the fruits of our labors. I never knew work could be this much fun!

Androgynonamous writes:

I lurked around the hallway after color and design class—waiting to see if I had missed you leave your illustration class, or if I would be lucky enough to bump into you. I shot the shit with Alice, my butch buddy from life drawing, and pretended not to be watching the door of your classroom. Soon, a gaggle of girls began to fill the doorway and move into the hall, talking and giggling as girls do. You came out with a purpose and kept moving down the hall as you chatted with some of the more grown-up girls. It was clear you did not want to hang in the hall or run around with the crowd today. But, then, I wasn’t surprised. Even at 19, you were more grown, more mature, than the others in so many ways. And so much more attractive.

I said goodbye to Alice and made my way toward you, watching the subtle sway of your hips…thinking about the warm pleasures to be found there. I slipped up behind you, “Hi there.” You turned slightly to say hello, but kept your pace just slightly ahead of me. “So, are you done for the day?” I asked. You nodded, eyeing me with that coy smile I loved so much.  “I’m done too,” I informed you as I moved up to walk beside you. I inhaled the faint scent of your hair, your skin, as I stared at the line of your neck.

“So, you want some help carrying your stuff?” I grinned.

The coy smile broadened, “Are you asking to carry my books home?”

“Yes…Yes, I am,” I returned.

“You know, there are lots of bois who want to carry my books home,” You teased me.  I stopped, looked you hard in the eyes and smiled, “I know.”

You handed me your tackle box and sketchpad and I worked them into my own armful of supplies. We walked back to the dorm chatting about our day. Now and then, I would lag behind just enough to watch you walk. “Stop looking at my ass,” you would instruct me, all the while being sure to ever-so-slightly increase that lovely sway. I was humming between responses to the light conversation. You asked me what I was humming. “Oh, just this song I know,” I said, “maybe I’ll sing it to you sometime…if you are good.” I winked at you—but tried not too get too lost in your creamy chocolate eyes and smack into something.

In the elevator up to your room, we were alone. I stood close, but not too close to you at the back corner of the elevator. You leaned in toward me. “So, now that I have let you carry my books, what are your intentions?” you whispered to me, moving to within about 6 short inches from my neck.

“Oh, I don’t know if I should tell you just yet, sugar…” I leaned in toward your neck and inhaled you deeply. “Why is that?” you asked as you offered your neck, barely brushing your cheek on mine.

“I’ve been thinking of doing bad things.” I said as the elevator doors opened.  We walked toward your room. I began to sing to you:

I want to carry your books home
I want to walk with your hand in mine.
I want to be the name on your lips when you’re all alone;
I want to court you and make you mine.
I want to give you rings made of silver and stone;
I want to be near you and love you for all time…
I want to carry you books home…

We reached the door to your suite.

Scintillectual writes:

You opened the door to my room and held it open for me. I motioned for you to lay my things on my drawing board. While you set down the load you were carrying, I shut the door and leaned back against it, quietly clicking the lock into place. The Philly streets were uncannily quiet on this warm, early Fall afternoon, and the latch reverberated in the silence. You turned with a grin.

“Where’s Julie?” you asked, sweeping one hand toward the empty bed on the near wall.

“In class, I expect,” I said, “Why? Afraid we’ll get caught?”

“Get caught doing what, exactly?” Oh, please. Now you play it safe. You were all but dry humping me in the elevator.

I fixed my gaze upon your green eyes as I began to unbutton my shirt, “I do believe you were thinking of doing bad things?” I saw you swallow hard as you watched my shirt hit the floor. You made a move in my direction and I stayed you with one hand. My jeans, bra, and panties quickly followed and I stepped out of the puddle of clothing and moved in your direction. You stopped watching me for a fraction of a second to take in the open blinds on the huge picture window. Just across the street was a bank of office windows filled with folks about to get a mid-afternoon treat. “Trust me,” I purred, “it’s not the first thing they’ve ever seen over here.”

You mumbled something and I pushed you back on my single bed, straddling you, utterly naked. I leaned down close to you, my mouth poised just above yours, “and what, pray tell, did you have in mind? Just a song before you go? Or…” I never finished my sentence as you wrapped your arms around my neck and pulled me hard into you. Our fumbling to get your own clothes off began in earnest. Belt, jeans, t-shirt, beater, my God, how much could one person wear at one time? Lips locked, we almost fell off the narrow bed as we maneuvered in and around each other. Finally, blissfully nude, you settled into a criminally smooth rhythm.

I sighed as you traced soft kisses around my ear and worked your way down my neck. I’m thinking you have a thing for my neck. You moaned quietly as you took my breasts in both hands and moved from one rock hard nipple to the next. My leg moved involuntarily between yours and I connected with your boi-cunt. Soaking wet. As if I wasn’t turned on enough from the moment I saw you standing outside my class (pretending to be all nonchalant—as though you weren’t waiting for me), I now flooded the comforter beneath me with my own juices. Soon, though, you were there—between my legs—making sure nothing went to waste. I grabbed your head and twisted my fingers in your hair as you ran your hands down my sides and pushed my legs farther apart.

After a good 10 minutes or so of you tonguing my clit and licking me up one side and down the other, I couldn’t take it anymore. “Fuck me,” I panted, “you need to fuck me.”

“As you wish,” you said and promptly plunged three fingers deep inside me as I bucked against you. Grinding my thigh into you, eliciting deep-throated moans. I could feel my orgasm building and then I heard voices in the vestibule. Fuck. I prayed that they were coming from my suitemates until I heard the key in the lock. Why hadn’t I thought to stick the do-not-disturb sign on the door. Shit! Your head jerked up and your hand stopped moving, I grabbed it with my one free hand and shoved it back inside me. I wasn’t stopping now. Hell, what was the worst that could happen? Lose my Resident Assistant job? At this point, I cared not.

I heard the door open and we all gasped at once. You and I in tandem, coming together, hard and fast. My roommate, likely in shock from the sight of your bare naked ass grinding away at my bare naked thigh. The door slammed shut just as quickly and we pulled away from each other, sweat glistening on our bodies, our breath coming in ragged waves. “Do you…uh…should we…uh…” you stammered your mortification and I laughed.

“She’ll live,” I said, “and I doubt she’ll be back anytime soon. Now, I think I have a favor to return.” I pushed you back on the bed again and caught you smiling in the lengthening shadows as I moved down your body.



Category Wicked Wednesday / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , , , /

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Wicked Wednesday: That Pleases Me

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

GEDC0515Good Girl hesitantly pushed the door open to find Butch Daddy reclining on the bed. He sat up when she came into the room and motioned her over to inspect her outfit. She had dressed the part (a bit of a lark), and shyly turned full circle for his approval. He nodded at the short plaid skirt, the white button-down shirt with short puffy sleeves, and lingered over the length of her legs clad in pink knit thigh high socks. Her feet, shod in black lace-up chunky Sketchers, twisted in upon themselves as she clasped her hands behind her back and stood, silently, waiting.

Butch Daddy beckoned her to the side of the bed where he now sat and instructed her to bend over. Much like Maggie Gyllenhaal’s character in Secretary, she put her forearms flat upon the bed and bent over straight from the waist. She dared not move as he stood up and walked around behind her, lifting her skirt and straightening the elastic on her panties. A shiver went through her as Good Girl felt herself go damp. Butch Daddy straightened her skirt and told her to stand up. Again, she resumed her position, eyes downcast, hands behind her back. This was not a role she was accustomed to playing. Good Girl tended toward the rebellious, though she always aimed to please. She had a stubborn will and a cocky nature. She wasn’t always a good girl. Tonight, she wanted Butch Daddy to take her as he wished and she fidgeted in her submission.

As instructed, Good Girl fetched Butch Daddy’s cock from the chair in the corner of the room, along with the towel it was wrapped in. She pulled back the covers and laid the towel upon the bed while he cinched the black leather straps tight around his narrow hips. “I think you can take those off now,” Butch Daddy gestured to her shoes. She bent at the waist and took her time unlacing them, treating him to the outline of her vulva encased in white cotton. When she set the shoes next to the dresser, Butch Daddy patted the bed beside her and she climbed up, perched on her knees, and waited. “I don’t think we need this anymore either, do we?” He flicked at the top button on her shirt and she slowly and methodically released each one, catching the gleam of anticipation in his eyes. “Now,” he said, “let’s see how grown up you’ve become.” Good Girl gasped involuntarily. Those words worked their way straight to her core as she reached behind her back and unfastened her new white bra. Butch Daddy sighed appreciatively and reached out one hand to cup her full breast. He ran a calloused thumb over one nipple while he took the other in his mouth. She arched her back instinctively, forcing more of her breast into his face.

“Now,” he sat back up, “I think it’s time for you to touch my cock. Can you do that?” Good Girl nodded and grabbed the lube from the nightstand, pouring it into her left hand. She took his cock in both hands and ran them one over the other, pulling up on the head, tightening her grasp around his shaft. “Does this please you?” She asked. “Oh yes, that pleases me very much.” It wasn’t too long before he asked if she’d like to take it into her mouth. Obediently she positioned herself between his legs so that he could easily watch as she licked his shaft from bottom to top and then swallowed the entire phallus before releasing it momentarily to gauge his reaction. Butch Daddy was very pleased, indeed. “That’s wonderful. What a good girl you are.” He said, and then he asked her, “what would you like to do?”

She was ready. So ready. “I would like you to put your penis in my vagina…please.” He put his right hand between her legs and felt that she was very ready. Good Girl wriggled out of her panties and spread her legs as far as they would go. Butch Daddy sat between her legs and toyed with her clit. She moaned softly. After a time, he pulled her further down on the bed so that her legs were draped over his and easily slid his cock into her waiting pussy. She moved against him, driving his cock as far into her as possible, and he was very pleased. After Good Girl bucked and shuddered against him she wrapped her legs tightly around his back and twisted, flipping Butch Daddy over to the other side of the bed.

Good Girl grasped the clips on the harness he wore and tossed aside his cock. She meant to suck him off good and proper. Lying sideways on the bed she wrapped her lips around his rock-hard boi-clit and pulled every bit of him into her mouth. She was hungry for him and he grabbed her hair and pushed her down onto his own flesh roughly. She groaned with pleasure. This was how she liked it. Although technically still subservient, Good Girl was every bit in charge now and she controlled his orgasm until she felt it was time to reward Butch Daddy for being so very good to her. She felt his shaft swell and throb in her mouth and she tugged harder, her head bobbing up and down. Butch Daddy tensed and then leaned hard on her back forcing her onto him firmly. His orgasm was powerful and strong and it left him weakened, petting and stroking her softly.

And she knew he was pleased.



Category Wicked Wednesday / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , , /

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Wicked Wednesday: First Night

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

LP74D00ZOur hands touch briefly as we both reach for the same pillow. I pull mine away and grab another from the floor, smoothing out my corner of the cool Egyptian cotton sheet before I carefully mimic the artistic way you have arranged your side of the bed. I run my hand over the duvet cover and reach for you as I walk to the doorway to survey the room. My bedroom. So different from the one I left behind. The furniture is the same, but the colors are no longer muted browns, tans, and burgundys. The chintz loveseat, formerly occupying my living room up North, now sits regally at the end of my bed. Its colors have inspired this new look—sage greens, grays, deep mauves. I admire the Tamara de Lempicka piece you chose to grace the far wall. Two Friends. It is perfect. You wrap your arms around me and ask me how I like my new room. I pull you closer and turn to kiss your cheek and smile. It is perfect.

It has been a long day of unpacking and there are many boxes stacked in other rooms awaiting our attention tomorrow. Tonight, however, belongs to us and my little bungalow is blissfully quiet. I’ve left behind a noisy two-family apartment on a busy street—I’d grown used to falling asleep to the sound of unmuffled engines, sirens, loud teenagers out late. As we undress and climb into bed, I realize that I hear nothing but the hum of the air conditioner. My quiet neighborhood is void of traffic and the neighbors have turned in early. I feel utterly at peace. It is perfect.

I reach over to turn the light off and when I roll back toward you, I realize the bed is bathed in moonlight. I’d forgotten how much sky there was here. You lean over me, perched on one elbow, and trace the contours of my mouth with your right hand. I catch your forefinger between my lips and lightly kiss it. Every move is tender, gentle, silent. I pull your face down to mine with both hands and catch your bottom lip between my teeth; you inhale sharply but the sigh that follows is as soft as the evening breeze. I move into you, under you, our bodies coming together to create a oneness where there were two.

Our kisses become more fervent and our hands seem to take on a life of their own as they explore each other’s bodies unabated. My fingernails light upon your back and down your arms. Your roughened hands tangling in my short hair. It is time. I am wet. Ready. I want you inside me. You came to bed prepared, your cock now living in its own drawer in one of the antique dressers, here, in my home.  Now, you raise yourself above me and enter me and it is my turn to sigh. I look up and there you are. Looking back at me. Every feeling you have betrayed in those eyes that seem to shift from gray to green to gray, as though by changing color you could ever hide from me.

You sit up and grasp my legs as I rest them against your chest. Straight as arrows. Your hands caress my calves, you run your tongue along my ankle and instep. I shudder involuntarily and begin to move against you like a wave breaking softly against the shore. Every move is precise, controlled, easy. It is perfect. Our lovemaking is, for now, sweet. We know that we have the rest of our lives to play. Years ahead of us to continue our exploration into the many facets of our sexual life together. Tonight, this night, we know that I am home and you live a scant two miles down the road. This night marks the beginning and as such we treat it with reverence and respect.
This night you move in me as though I am something fragile. As though you fear one of us may go away again. But there will be no more leavings. I am here. We are fully present. I am home and you are with me, in me, around me. We come together in a beautiful testament to the love that brought us to this place. This home. This bedroom. This bed.

and it is perfect.



Category Wicked Wednesday / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , /

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Wicked Wednesday: Reward

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

My eyes are tired and my back aches. I stand up and stretch, my desk chair rolling across the wooden floor. I shade my eyes from the mid-afternoon glare and watch you propel the lawn mower across the wide expanse of green out back. Ah, the joys of having my very own yard-butch. You never let me lift a finger unless I insist and I take much more pleasure in digging in the dirt to reap the colorful benefits of my English gardens than I do in pushing heavy machinery.

As if psychically connected, you look up and see me framed in the window. I smile and beckon you to come in. You shut off the mower and within a moment I meet you at the back door with a Buckler’s. You grin and lean in to kiss me but I back off with mock distaste at your grungy beater and sweat-soaked lips. “Ewwww,” I say, pulling a face. “I was just going to have a smoke,” you reply, “Come on out, take a break.” I grab my iced green tea and follow you to the patio, settling into an Adirondack chair under the pergola. The canvas strips woven through the weathered wood providing some respite from the scorching August sun.

You sit heavily in the matching chair beside me and light up, inhaling deeply. My old habit haunts me during your now infrequent cigarette breaks and I feel a longing in my chest. Watching your hand move from your side to your mouth, the long drag and the exhalation, your tongue darting out periodically to quickly lick your full bottom lip, I start to feel a very different kind of longing. I sigh as you get up and head over to the spigot to rinse off the day’s grime. As if in slow motion, I catch every detail, every drop of water that runs down the back of your neck and soaks your tank. I catch myself daydreaming as I stare at the hole in the back of your jeans, the plaid of your boxers visible.

“Hey!” I am jolted out of my reverie as you playfully turn the hose on me. I jump up and out of reach. “You know, if you’ve got that thing out, you might as well put it to good use.”

“Really?” You arch one eyebrow in my direction.

“Pig.” I smirk, “I meant that you should water the flowerbeds while you’re at it. My glads are starting to wilt a bit.”

“As you wish.”

It is your standard reply to me. The answer you give me whenever I make a request of you. The phrase that earned you the nickname “Dread Pirate Roberts.” And it never fails to work on me.

I walk over and turn off the water. You look at me quizzically as I push you toward the house. “I changed my mind. I have other plans for you.”

“Are you getting mouthy with me, woman?”

“Not yet, I’m not. Come on.” I follow you into the house. “Bathroom.” I am insistent and I’m not playing. I want what I want and I want it now. You understand immediately and comply, heading for the master bath. You start to turn the tap on in the garden tub and I stay your hand. “No. I think you need a little lesson in self-control.”

You start to speak and I put my finger to your lips. When you begin to kiss my hand, I pull away. “Strip.” I say. You do. And then you reach for me and I walk away leaving you standing in the middle of the tile floor. I reach up under my skirt, slowly and deliberately take off my panties, and then I pull myself up onto the vanity, perching on the edge.

“Come here.” I tell you, “On your knees.” I know you think you know what’s coming. You don’t. I pull my skirt up around my waist and spread my legs. Your hands instinctively move toward my thighs, you have that hungry look about you. “No. Don’t move. Stay right there.” You are literally 6 inches from my already drenched cunt. You don’t take your eyes off of it. I reach down with one hand and spread my lips apart letting you see all of me, as closely as possible. You groan in a barely audible plea for mercy but you know better than to move.

“Jerk off for me, boi.” I wait to see your reaction. I know you are reticent to do so even in the dark of night and here we are in the well-lit bathroom in the middle of the day. “Go on, I want to watch you. If you’re a good boi, I promise you can have what you want. If you’re a bad boi, well…” I take my hand away and begin to pull my skirt down. Your hand immediately moves to your rock-hard shaft. You begin to pull and stroke your boi-clit and I can feel my breath quicken. I shift again and reach down between my legs, fingering my own clit in a very different way. Your gaze is unwavering. You stare down my pussy with a cocky, almost challenging attitude. I know you choose to do this, and it pleases me.

Your hand moves faster as my own rhythm picks up. I taunt you by dipping my fingers in my vagina and offering them to you before I quickly put them in my own mouth. Your eyes follow my hand and you moan again, shutting your eyes briefly before you face forward again. I verbally urge you on. I tell you non-stop what a good boi you are and, finally, when I’m ready, I tell you to come.

And you do.

When your trembling subsides slightly and your body has gone limp, I reach out and grab your hair, pulling your face into me. I can no longer deny you. I can no longer deny myself. Torturing you was more than I could stand and as you bury your face in my cunt, I melt into you. I am no longer in control. You have it all. You have me completely. This then, is my reward.



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Wicked Wednesday: High Art

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

The well-worn shammy felt like an old friend in the palm of my hand as I rubbed out a midtone on the light gray Canson paper. I selected the firmest charcoal from the box and looked up at you sitting in the oriental, octagonal armchair that I covet, one arm on your upper thigh, the other draped across the wooden back. I began to rough out a gesture of your pose as you held still but watched me intently. I felt your eyes upon me every time I bent head to paper.

It had been years, more than a decade actually, since I had drawn from life. This was my one true passion and the one thing I had left behind, neglected, when my son was born. But I was inspired by your own passion for your art and the warmth of your studio—inviting me in to pick up the tools that would satiate my desire to capture a moment of you. Now that I had the basics down, I took a white conté crayon and began to work out the highlights; your defined angles and symmetrical features thrown into sharp contrast by a single bulb in the corner of the room. I began to lose myself in the work. My eye roaming every inch of you, my charcoal tracing your jawline, jutting collarbone, slight curve of your small breast, hint of your nipple hardened under my gaze. You smile when I catch my lower lip between my teeth in concentration and I admonish you not to move.

Finally, I have worked out the shadow in your jeans, thrown into bas relief by the cock I had asked you to strap on for the piece. I wanted to catch your true androgyny. The softness of your eyes and the fullness of your lips. Ripe. Delicious. The slight giveaway to your biological gender visible through your thin ribbed tank. The bulge in your jeans that calls my name and knows the deepest parts of me. Your strong, calloused hands, masculine and yet oh-so-graceful. I realized my breathing had become shallow, more rapid. The drawing was done, but I was not.

I set the work aside, leaning it against the wall facing away from you. I wasn’t ready to show it to you yet. I crawled across the floor as you studied me curiously, half smile crossing your handsome face. I pushed your legs gently apart, leaving black handprints on both thighs, and knelt between them. More marks of me upon your white tank as I pulled it over your head. You grinned and my brow furrowed. This, this, was serious business. I wasn’t done drawing. I reached over and selected a very thick, soft piece of charcoal. Your eyes followed my hand as I resumed my position and began to very slowly and deliberately draw a dotted pattern on your skin, evoking Maori tattoos. My line moved from the hollow in the base of your throat down your chest to circle one nipple. I made swirls within swirls that outlined your ribcage and moved across the flat of your torso. I drew the charcoal down until I was stopped mid-line by your belt buckle. I looked up at you, questioningly, and you understood and complied.

Your hands deftly undid your belt, and then, at my urging, you carefully and quietly unbuttoned your fly and pushed your jeans aside like the flaps of a circus tent, leaving me an opening to what I really wanted. I resumed my line, briefly, and ended in an arrow pointing to your cock. Now I tossed away the charcoal and wiped my hands clean upon my own jeans. I leaned in and caught your lower lip between my teeth, eliciting the perfect moan before I pulled at your boxers slightly. I grasped your cock, freeing it from its confines. You moved down in the chair, gaining the advantage of a better viewpoint…

and I descended upon you.

I started at the base of your shaft, running my tongue the full 7 ½” length of you. You made a noise, small and gutteral, and your fist clenched in my peripheral vision. I took the head of your cock into my mouth and looked up into your eyes. Oh, I love knowing that you are watching me and knowing how much it excites you. I’m not daft. I may pretend I don’t know the effect I have upon you, but trust me, I do. I so do.

My lips part slightly so that you can see the head of your cock resting upon my tongue. In that second, though, I dip my head downward and swallow every inch of you and you groan loudly. I toy with you for a bit. Tease you. Make you truly want it. My hand cradles your balls and every time I take you down the back of my throat, I increase the pressure, pushing your balls into your rock-hard clit and easing off again.

Now you grab a fistful of my hair (as short as it is) and put one hand upon my shoulder. Your thighs quiver and I reach up and rake my nails down your torso smearing charcoal across your flesh. Your hips grind into me and you squeeze my arm, urging me to pick up the pace. When I sneak a glance at you, your head is thrown back, your eyes are shut. You speak of how it feels (you can feel it, you can feel it). Soon you push my head down hard and tremble and shudder, moan and say my name over and over. Your orgasm is powerful and protracted. You open your eyes and I am watching you. All you can do is play in my hair and hold my face and you are completely open and vulnerable and happy.

I climb upon your lap and kiss you deeply. I pull my sweater over my head and now my breasts, pressed against your chest, bear marks that mirror the design I had drawn upon you. Marks that echo the one you’ve etched upon my heart forever.



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Wicked Wednesday: Idyll

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

sunsetI turn the camera on you and catch you, tan and content, just as you look up from your shell hunting to show me the tiniest, most perfect cowrie. You pull a face and start to chase me down the beach. It’s quiet now—most of the sun worshippers and families with kids have headed back to their respective cottages to have dinner. We, however, have wandered about two miles from our oceanfront rental and it is our last night here before we have to make the 4 ½ hour drive home; we are determined to watch one last sunset together in one of our favorite places.

The week has been idyllic. Just the two of us this time, filling our days with long walks, cooking great meals together, basking in the sun, riding our bikes the seven-mile stretch of the island in the mornings, sitting on the porch during afternoon thunderstorms watching dark gray waves pound the hard sand, and making love to the sound of the surf at night through the open windows of our loft bedroom. Now, at the end of our stay, I am feeling that end-of-vacation letdown. You sense my mood, as ever, and reach for my hand. We walk quietly along the water’s edge—our footprints disappear behind us with each step.

I ask if we can stop and rest for a bit. I want to sit, read, just be near you. I pull a blanket out of my tote bag and we unfurl it against the dunes. We both settle in, creating concave spaces for our bodies in the soft sand underneath us. You reach over and pull my face to you, kiss me lightly, whisper your love to me. I smile in return and pick up my book.

Disoriented. At first I think I must be home in bed. Something covers my body and I feel your hand on my inner thigh, stroking me. I try to open my eyes. “Honey,” you say softly, “it’s almost sundown.” I can’t get my bearings but I’m intensely aroused. “You fell asleep, baby, it’s been almost an hour.” What? I’m fuzzy. I try looking up at you, perched on your left elbow, your hand stroking me, closer, closer. The light is too bright and I shut my eyes again. Murmur something. Mmmmm…oh, it feels so good. Your hand begins to trail away and I let my legs drop open wide. You chuckle under your breath and return your hand to its proper place.

I can feel the breeze upon me and you take the beach towel that you had covered me with and pull it further over us. Even though we are tucked against the dunes, anyone walking by could easily take notice. The thought makes me feel even more delicious. My hips grind against your hand of their own accord and now that I’m fully awake I reach down and slip my bikini bottom off, giving you complete access to my cunt, warm and ready for you. You nuzzle your face in my neck, softly at first, then you almost playfully bite that spot that you know drives me absolutely wild with desire. I gasp and moan and spread my legs wider as your fingers trace lazy circles on my clit, pausing only to dip occasionally into my abundant wetness and back up again.

My hands wander your torso, under your tee, and I pinch your nipple hard just to hear your quick intake of breath. My nails rake crisscross patterns across your back, upper arms, and sides. You lean over and run your tongue lightly across my lips. I open my mouth to you and suck softly on the fullness of your lower lip. As our kisses become more fevered I reach down between your legs. “Off. Off.” I have an urgent need to touch you—to come at the same time.

You comply, pulling off your board shorts. I pull you on top of me so that you straddle my right thigh. At the same time I reach down and push several of your fingers firmly into me. I lose contact with your mouth as my head drops back and I arch upward, my body lost in the moment of you. your hand. us. our bodies. We move together in a well-rehearsed dance—my thigh rising rhythmically between your legs, my hand pressed into your cunt, your shaft hard against my palm, my fingers slick and satisfied.

Your fingers curl into that spot—that spot—and I suddenly feel flush from head to toe. Warm ejaculate spills out over your hand and forearm, raining down upon the blanket beneath me, soaking the sand below. I shudder and pull you tight to me as you come against my hand and thigh, burying your face in my neck. We lie, panting, out of breath. Quiet.

I open my eyes to a sky lit up in brilliant hues of reds, pinks, golds. “Look,” I say. You roll over on your back as six pelicans fly low along the breakers, silhouetted against a venetian blind of wispy clouds. The sun is setting behind us and we sit up to watch the yellow angles fade from the rooftops. You pull me back against you and wrap your arms around me. I drink in the salt air, the richness of the colors, the long strand of deserted beach, and the sound of the waves moving in and out and in and out.

Your tongue traces a well-worn path down the nape of my neck. I reach around and grab a handful of your hair as I flip over and straddle you. I’m not ready to leave yet. It’s too beautiful. You are too perfect.



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Wicked Wednesday: Date Night

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

With my son at my parents’ for the weekend, you and I have decided to plan a rare night out. Dinner, perhaps a movie. Just a little something to whet our appetites for later—the promise of a long night together and the chance to sleep in on a Saturday morning. We have reservations at Milner’s for 7 and you are already dressed when I emerge from the steam-clouded bathroom, still wrapped in a towel. I lean against the doorframe to take in your choice of clothing: a white tee and the brocade navy vest I love top a well-worn pair of Polo jeans and your Harley boots. If I knew how to wolf-whistle I would, but I smile appreciatively and you take notice of my approval.

I move past you to peruse my closet, mentally tossing aside different outfits. You come up behind me and run your hand up my thigh, heading under the hem of the towel and I bat you away (no to the vintage Halston). Your hands move up and cup my breasts through the thick weave and I firmly take them off (not the Michael Kors sleeveless). You bend your head and run your tongue the length of my neck and I gasp and swat at your ear (the Vera Wang silk is too dressy). I grab my favorite JJill skirt, an almost ankle-length number in various layers of sheer, olive-brown netting. As I move to the dresser to pull out a well-worn black stretch tee, I pull something else out of the bottom of my drawer and toss it to you. Surprised, you catch the bundle in your hands and sit down hard on the bed.

It is your soft-packer. You look at me quizzically and begin to protest. I turn on my heel and put my finger across your lips. “Wear it,” I command. “As you wish,” you say, with a slight hint of a smirk playing at the corners of your mouth. You know the price of your submission now will be mine to pay later and you comply without another word. Clearly, I’m not expecting to get fucked or I would have had you hard pack, but you don’t stop to question my motives.

The restaurant is crowded tonight and our table is not as secluded as I had hoped. Although one of your favorites, I haven’t been here before and I pause after we order our iced teas to admire the warm antebellum-meets-art deco décor. We have a way of attracting attention and tonight is no different. The atmosphere is free of any feelings of homophobia, however, and I get the feeling that we are being watched as a couple, a couple of women, clearly intimate with each other. I listen to you talk about your latest poetry submission, the deadline having rushed upon you, and idly run one black booted leg up along the inseam of your jeans. You falter slightly, flustered, regain your composure and continue. I smile and take another bite of the mouth-watering filet mignon with burgundy demi-glace.

We debate the various offerings at our local movie theater when I remember that tonight is Burlesque night at Artistika. I have friends who go every month and have been aching to see the show. You readily agree (how could you not?) and head to the car. You open the passenger door for me and I catch you staring as I hike up my skirt to climb in, purposely leaving my left leg exposed, the layers draped across my lap, down my right leg—a fabric puddle on the floor at my feet. When you slide into the driver’s seat your hand moves toward me but I catch it mid-air and place it firmly on the stick shift, leaving you frustrated, wanting, and inches away from the bare flesh of my thigh and a hint of lace panties.

We enter the club just before the show begins and are seated at a tiny table in a far corner of the room. The house lights are down and we quietly place orders of cranberry juice and soda. I tuck into you as we watch these beautiful, curvy women strut their hour upon the stage—all pasties, corsets, and feather boas. The air has an electric, erotic current running through it and as all eyes are facing forward, my hand snakes its way into your lap. You blink, hard, and I whisper in your ear, “watch the show. Watch the show.” I can feel the bulge through your jeans, the soft pack placed firmly in your briefs, the balls pressed up against your clit. I begin to lightly stroke your cock, moving my attention from your crotch to your thigh where I rake my nails hard against the crease where your leg meets your groin. You groan and I shush you. I lean over again and press my hand hard against your cock, running the flat of my palm up and down the front of your jeans pressing the soft pack into you. When I move my hand farther down between your legs I can feel how damp your jeans are and I lean into you, “watch the show,” and breathe my lust into your ear. Your own breathing quickens but you remain riveted on the current performer. She sings of unrequited love and pulls off corset over corset. She has bloodstains on her hands and she rends her clothes as she sways upon her knees. Her piece is drawing to a fevered pitch and so are you. My hand moves faster and firmer against you and the second I take your own hand and slide it under the many layers of my skirt and guide you into my panties so that you can dip your fingers in my wetness…

you come.

The waitress stops by with another round of drinks and I straighten up and thank her while you catch your breath. I clap loudly for the artist on stage and when I turn to you, you reach for me— “my turn” you say. “No,” I shake my head, “watch the show.”

There will be plenty of time for your turn, with me, after the house lights go up.



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Wicked Wednesday: Starry Night

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

The pink of my toenail polish was an exact match to the backdrop of Azaleas in full bloom along the Parkway. The warm wind tickled my bare feet—propped up on your passenger side mirror—and I stretched out lazily against you, keeping in mind your need to shift gears as we continued to climb the Blue Ridge. You glanced over at me and smiled, asked if I was hungry. It had been several hours since we’d pulled into the overlook, dipping into the picnic hamper I’d packed that morning. Yes, I was hungry. My gaze lingered on your right hand, wrapped around the stick. Yes, I was hungry.

Reluctantly, I pulled my feet in and put my hiking boots back on. The shadows were getting longer; I estimated it was about 4 p.m. or so. We’d set out early and done a little shopping in Blowing Rock before driving north with no real destination in mind and no reason to head home any time soon. You turned left into a small gravel drive and I looked around curiously to see if there were signs marking private property. The temperature dropped considerably as the woods became dense around us. Pine branches licked the side of the truck and I moved closer against you.

And then I gasped. We had come into a clearing on the side of the mountain. The view was spectacular. I jumped from the truck and stood there, not too close to the edge—heights had a way of giving me vertigo. There was this vastness that threatened to pull me into an endless abyss. I needed to feel grounded. Rooted. You put your arms around me from behind and breathed into my neck. “Ohhh,” I sighed, “it’s beautiful.” What an understatement. I was looking at miles and miles of undulating forest. Each mountainside was colored with a different paintbrush dipped in sage, emerald, cerulean blue. You could see the shadows of the clouds pass along the ground and the sky was a liquid pale blue particular to Spring in the Southland. It was an intricate patchwork quilt spread out below us and I delighted in the idea that WE were sharing so much of this glorious creation.

“Yes,” you said, “you are.” I pulled your arms tighter around me. “Let’s eat here, okay?” I said. You nodded into my hair. “I have an even better idea…why don’t we just spend the night here?” Yes, I thought, yes.

We spent some time setting up “camp.” The truck contained our usual assortment of folding chairs, blankets, a lantern, and an air mattress that you proceeded to inflate while I unpacked the picnic basket. By the time we settled down to eat, dusk was upon us. We fed each other smoked chicken, fresh ripe tomatoes with bufala mozzarella in a thick balsamic vinaigrette, and crusty French bread. Soon I moved from my chair to sit on the ground in front of you, watching the sun set as your hands moved from my hair to my shoulders and down my arms.

As evening fell upon us, you pulled me over to the truck. We climbed up on the air mattress and I fell into your arms, chilled from the night air. Our kisses moved swiftly from soft and lingering to long and hard as our hands began exploring that which we already knew so very well. You pushed at my tank and engulfed my nipple—nee, much of my breast—in your mouth. My back arched involuntarily and my fingernails found that spot on your side that elicits your deep-throated moans. As your fingers replaced your warm mouth my nipple grew rock-hard. You pinched hard and it was my turn to moan.

Now my shorts were being tossed aside and I spread my legs wide for you. Open to you, open to the sky. I looked up and thought for one fleeting moment that the inky blackness dotted with millions of stars could have been painted by Van Gogh himself. I was quickly brought back to earth at the instant your tongue dove into my cunt. Deep. Oh, my legs and thighs were cold but your mouth was hot upon my pussy. I reached down and spread my legs wider, bracing my boots on either side of the truck. The thud of metal in the still, dark night…otherwise broken only by my ragged breathing and your murmurs of satisfaction as you feasted upon me.

I was so close to coming and you knew it. Now my cry echoed throughout the evergreen valley as you entered me with your fingers. Two…three. “more,” I whispered, “more.” I slowed my breathing as you tucked in your pinky. “Still more,” I pleaded, “more.” I let out a long, slow, deliberate breath through the widest part of your hand and smiled up at the heavens as your fist curled inside me. Then suddenly you were above me, looking into my face, watching me intently as your hand rocked away at that sweet, sweet spot. I reached down between your legs, positioned to either side of my thigh, and pressed my hand firmly against your hard wetness.

I pushed against you with my pelvis. My hips took on a life of their own, grinding into your fist, pushing you further into me. Deeper. Faster. My thigh pushing my own hand against your cunt, the pace of your breathing matching mine. Our eyes met as the walls of my vagina bore down upon your wrist and you were coming with me, still watching each other as we voiced our orgasms into the hills around us.

Our bodies stilled, drenched and silent. You moved to withdraw your hand. No. No. Not yet. I stayed your arm with my other hand and then pulled your head down to me. I wasn’t ready to leave this place…this wide open space that graciously accepted us and allowed our lovemaking to continue through that Starry Night.



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Wicked Wednesday: Altitude

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

It will forever remain a mystery why we decided to ascend the mountain to your dad’s cabin immediately upon my arrival at the airport. After 5 weeks apart, both of us were twitchy and childish in the back seat, your brother shooting us impish looks in the rearview mirror as I repeatedly removed your hand from my upper thigh in order to concentrate (somewhat) on his girlfriend’s attempt at small talk. I was enduring a heady mix of ebullience at being together again and a sense of physical desire so deep I hurt. I stared out the window and allowed your hand in mine, our fingers entwined, that one point of contact between us electric.

A general melée ensued as we parked the car and all clambered out to retrieve various bags, a crust of new fallen snow breaking like glass beneath our boots, covering our jeans with fine, white powder; the suggestion of late night sledding bandied about. We were directed to the larger of the two guest rooms. Unusual for you, as you normally left the room with the attached bath to your brother. I entered the bedroom in wonder—the clear winter sunlight bouncing off the crystalline whiteness outside filled the room with light. It would hardly have been appropriate to shut the door for some long awaited private time, but both of us were aching to get at each other and we came crashing into a corner together, our lips locked in hunger, as your dad appeared in the doorway.

We waved off his embarrassed apologies and smirked at each other as we followed him into the living room. The next several hours became an excruciating exercise in self-control. Lively family conversation was followed by hearty bowls of stew and crusty French bread; the mountain air always heightened my senses and everything seemed to smell better, taste better. The clock on the mantel ticked away so slowly, I wondered when it would ever be appropriate to excuse ourselves…and all the while your hand held fast to mine, your calloused fingers toying with the tips of my very soft ones. That single point of electricity building to a fevered pitch.

Finally, gratefully, yawns were acknowledged and everyone started to move on to their rooms. We said our goodnights and blessedly closed our door behind us. You pulled me into you immediately. Our hands everywhere, our fervent kisses covered each other’s lips, faces, necks. I stopped short as I heard conversation from the next room. You mumbled something about paper thin walls into my shoulder blade as your hands reached under my sweater. Paper thin? I felt as though we were sharing a room with your brother and his girlfriend! Distractedly, I wondered if they’d been constructed with spit and toilet paper.

My musings were short-lived as we reached the bed, still joined to each other, and I sat down hard on it. The bedsprings immediately sounded their alarm and I groaned inwardly. I stood back up as we started to pull each other’s clothes off. The room was slightly chilly, moonlight spilling in from the surrounding windows. We were frantic to be as close as we could possibly be. The air itself filled with our sexual/emotional/spiritual connection. We whispered and giggled at our predicament. Clearly the bed was off limits, at least for some serious fucking, and now our heads whipped around the room looking for a place to satiate our overwhelming urges.

I had your face in my hands and fell against the wall with an audible thud. Your brother called in from the next room asking if everything was all right. We stifled our laughter as you reassured him that we were fine, making up some story about tripping over the woven cotton throw rug. Our frustration was becoming palpable.

Now you began to express your keen desire to fuck me. Your wanting so powerful that your cock, still restrained in your duffle bag on the floor, fairly stood at attention all on its own. You hastily gathered your things and ducked into the bathroom as I whispered hurry, hurry. I shed the last of my clothes and stood there, my arms folded about myself, the former heat of the excessive wetness between my legs growing colder in the night air. I grabbed for your cock the second you re-entered the room. That hurt, that ache, was stronger than any I could have imagined. You grabbed the thick quilt from the bed and threw it upon the floor, both of us sinking into it. I ran my hands the length of your taut body, sighing with the exquisite reunion of my nails to your flesh. You groaned as you watched me move down your torso, my eyes upon you, my tongue darting out to wet my lips just before I drew your cock into my mouth—instantly swallowing you down the back of my throat before pulling back up again. Hungry. I was so hungry.

I shushed you as you begged to fuck me. As much as you loved to watch your cock in my mouth, the wanting to be inside me was all-encompassing. I acquiesced. Pleading wasn’t necessary. I was waiting, wanting, ready. I pulled a few pillows off the bed and you understood that the only way we could conceivably pull this off was to cushion yourself on the floor while I lowered myself down upon you. You sighed and I gasped. I threw my head back and tried so hard to stifle my normally exuberant moans as I rode you hard, your hips bucking underneath me, both of us trying desperately to become a single entity. I rocked my pelvis back against you, forcing your balls into your clit (so hard, so hard) and you bit back the noises rising from deep within you. I supported my weight in your hands, clenched tightly in mine. That force of pressure between us heightened everything erotic. My sole focus became my cunt, filled with your cock, and as you fingered my clit to orgasm, I wept with the joy of release, of all those weeks of barely satisfactory phone sex, of being one with you again.

In that release, I forgot for just one second where we were and began a keening moan of ecstasy that was preempted by your hand upon my mouth. My eyes flew open in horror as I registered our surroundings. We both became lost in paroxysms of laughter muffled into the pillows beneath us.

For hours we stayed there, upon that gleaming wood floor, the moonlight striking the sharp angles of your body, the soft curves of mine. We navigated the waters of knowing each other again until we finally hit the wall of no more. As we climbed, exhausted, into the soft expanse of the ample bed, you make a move to unclasp your harness. I reached out and stayed your hand. You understood and climbed into bed behind me. I tucked my ass into the hollow of your groin and your cock slipped easily into me as your right hand reached around and cradled my left breast. Our breathing slowed, deepened, and we sighed our unending love for each other into that still night.



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About Me

I'm a recent transplant to somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. While mothering my energetic 10-year-old son, I'm also working as a contract graphic designer, freelance proofreader and copy editor, and planning an October 1, 2011 wedding to my anam cara, soul mate, and best friend (they all come rolled into one fantastically hot and ultra-intellectual package). In my rare spare time, I write as much as I possibly can and in several different places. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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