Posts Tagged ‘ fisting ’

Wicked Wednesday: Starry Night

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

The pink of my toenail polish was an exact match to the backdrop of Azaleas in full bloom along the Parkway. The warm wind tickled my bare feet—propped up on your passenger side mirror—and I stretched out lazily against you, keeping in mind your need to shift gears as we continued to climb the Blue Ridge. You glanced over at me and smiled, asked if I was hungry. It had been several hours since we’d pulled into the overlook, dipping into the picnic hamper I’d packed that morning. Yes, I was hungry. My gaze lingered on your right hand, wrapped around the stick. Yes, I was hungry.

Reluctantly, I pulled my feet in and put my hiking boots back on. The shadows were getting longer; I estimated it was about 4 p.m. or so. We’d set out early and done a little shopping in Blowing Rock before driving north with no real destination in mind and no reason to head home any time soon. You turned left into a small gravel drive and I looked around curiously to see if there were signs marking private property. The temperature dropped considerably as the woods became dense around us. Pine branches licked the side of the truck and I moved closer against you.

And then I gasped. We had come into a clearing on the side of the mountain. The view was spectacular. I jumped from the truck and stood there, not too close to the edge—heights had a way of giving me vertigo. There was this vastness that threatened to pull me into an endless abyss. I needed to feel grounded. Rooted. You put your arms around me from behind and breathed into my neck. “Ohhh,” I sighed, “it’s beautiful.” What an understatement. I was looking at miles and miles of undulating forest. Each mountainside was colored with a different paintbrush dipped in sage, emerald, cerulean blue. You could see the shadows of the clouds pass along the ground and the sky was a liquid pale blue particular to Spring in the Southland. It was an intricate patchwork quilt spread out below us and I delighted in the idea that WE were sharing so much of this glorious creation.

“Yes,” you said, “you are.” I pulled your arms tighter around me. “Let’s eat here, okay?” I said. You nodded into my hair. “I have an even better idea…why don’t we just spend the night here?” Yes, I thought, yes.

We spent some time setting up “camp.” The truck contained our usual assortment of folding chairs, blankets, a lantern, and an air mattress that you proceeded to inflate while I unpacked the picnic basket. By the time we settled down to eat, dusk was upon us. We fed each other smoked chicken, fresh ripe tomatoes with bufala mozzarella in a thick balsamic vinaigrette, and crusty French bread. Soon I moved from my chair to sit on the ground in front of you, watching the sun set as your hands moved from my hair to my shoulders and down my arms.

As evening fell upon us, you pulled me over to the truck. We climbed up on the air mattress and I fell into your arms, chilled from the night air. Our kisses moved swiftly from soft and lingering to long and hard as our hands began exploring that which we already knew so very well. You pushed at my tank and engulfed my nipple—nee, much of my breast—in your mouth. My back arched involuntarily and my fingernails found that spot on your side that elicits your deep-throated moans. As your fingers replaced your warm mouth my nipple grew rock-hard. You pinched hard and it was my turn to moan.

Now my shorts were being tossed aside and I spread my legs wide for you. Open to you, open to the sky. I looked up and thought for one fleeting moment that the inky blackness dotted with millions of stars could have been painted by Van Gogh himself. I was quickly brought back to earth at the instant your tongue dove into my cunt. Deep. Oh, my legs and thighs were cold but your mouth was hot upon my pussy. I reached down and spread my legs wider, bracing my boots on either side of the truck. The thud of metal in the still, dark night…otherwise broken only by my ragged breathing and your murmurs of satisfaction as you feasted upon me.

I was so close to coming and you knew it. Now my cry echoed throughout the evergreen valley as you entered me with your fingers. Two…three. “more,” I whispered, “more.” I slowed my breathing as you tucked in your pinky. “Still more,” I pleaded, “more.” I let out a long, slow, deliberate breath through the widest part of your hand and smiled up at the heavens as your fist curled inside me. Then suddenly you were above me, looking into my face, watching me intently as your hand rocked away at that sweet, sweet spot. I reached down between your legs, positioned to either side of my thigh, and pressed my hand firmly against your hard wetness.

I pushed against you with my pelvis. My hips took on a life of their own, grinding into your fist, pushing you further into me. Deeper. Faster. My thigh pushing my own hand against your cunt, the pace of your breathing matching mine. Our eyes met as the walls of my vagina bore down upon your wrist and you were coming with me, still watching each other as we voiced our orgasms into the hills around us.

Our bodies stilled, drenched and silent. You moved to withdraw your hand. No. No. Not yet. I stayed your arm with my other hand and then pulled your head down to me. I wasn’t ready to leave this place…this wide open space that graciously accepted us and allowed our lovemaking to continue through that Starry Night.



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Wicked Wednesday: Memories of Us

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Flashes of the weekend past flood my mind at random times during the day. They cause a sharp intake of breath and a sticky sweetness that unleashes itself upon the almost nonexistent and already moist lace between my thighs. I think of you easing your hand, slick – cherry scented – into my wide open and willing cunt. The white hot feeling of pleasure mixed with pain that sends a warm tingle throughout my entire body as I relax around your fist. The most exquisite feeling to have you fill me up and join me in the single most intimate act of lovemaking. You, the one I trust to hold me there, to cherish that feeling, to take me to unbelievable heights of ecstasy as I tighten hard around your wrist and come in wave after wave of deep contracted orgasms.

My mouth upon your cock. My tongue playing with the tip, toying with the head, running up and down the length of your shaft as I lick you clean of my own cum. You watch me as I swallow you, my hand firmly grasping the base of your dick. You tangle your fingers in my hair, pulling, pushing. My pace increases with your breathing as I am now acutely aware of your rhythms and know every gasp and shudder as though they were my own.

Turning away from you. Silently, slowly, descending upon you. You can see every move of your cock in my dripping pussy. Always ready for you. Always wanting more of you. You grab my ass in both hands. Spread me apart. I know how much you can see. Everything about your sense of voyeurism and my own sense of exhibitionism turns me on. I become a literal and verbal whore for you. The need to talk comes of its own accord. “Fuck me” “Fuck me harder” “Cum in me” “Cum with me” “Deeper, faster” “Let me be your dirty little girl”. And you do fuck me harder, faster. Slapping my ass with burning pain that propels my senses into overdrive, covering us both with warm glaze oozing from my cunt. More. More.

Dragging me to the edge of the bed my legs against your body, my feet wrapped around your neck you plunge into me. My nails dig into the sides of the bed and I smile as you fuck me. So much passion. You make me feel beautiful and wanted and sexy and I forget that everything that is open to you is bouncing with every thrust of your cock inside me. My nipples hard, I want to grab my breasts…squeeze them, touch them, but I want the leverage to push against you meeting your pounding rhythm until we cum together again on cue.

Yes. Yes. Yes.


I love the way our bodies move together. I love that we work so well together – an efficiently oiled machine. The time we took to know what each of us responds to and being so incredibly in sync with who we are and what we want. I yearn to learn more, know more, be more. To grow each day with you and to move you to new levels of pleasure beyond anything you ever dreamed possible.

You are mine as I am forever yours. I love you.



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Wicked Wednesday: I love watching you watching me

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

I love watching you watching me.

Speeding down 495 I had butterflies in my stomach in anticipation of my plans. I wasn’t sure I could go through with it. I collected my cool while you were in the shower. Sat in your swivel chair, legs crossed, black pencil skirt riding high, white shirt open just enough. I knew you’d like it. And you did. I kept pushing you away your hands kept straying under my skirt. Wanting it now. Impatient. But I had promised to torture you and however silly I felt I wanted to do this slowly.

I love watching you watching me.

Feeling Love by Paula Cole. That song makes me wet whenever I hear it.

“You make me feel like a candy apple
All red and horny
You make me feel like I wanna be a dumb blonde
In a centerfold, the girl next door
And I would open the door and…
I’d be all wet
With my tits soaking through this tiny little t-shirt…
That I’m wearing
And you would open the door and tie…
Me up to the bed…”

I can’t help but move to that music. That rhythm gets under my skin, crawls between my thighs, I’m oblivious to everything but you, your unwavering gaze, your leg twitching from anxiousness to get to me. You make me know I’m sex itself. You bring out the absolute whore in me. I want to be everywhere at once. Everything you’ve ever dreamed of doing you can do to me. With me. I am yours and yours alone.

When I come near you, intending to prolong this prelude, I find I can’t. I need your mouth on my mouth, your hands on my body, my nails down your back. Those arms. Oh God those arms. When we hit the floor and you rip off my heels and my thigh high stockings and that black lace thong my brain goes numb and all I know is you and your touch and your kisses and your tongue on my clit and my fucking hell I’m coming already and I feel like an 18 year old boy who blows his load before he even gets his pants off.

You do that to me. You make me come in wave after wave after wave. Always coming. So fast and so hard and I’ve lost all powers of speech I’m just one moan after another because you feel so fucking good inside me. The way my eyes close instantly and against my will and my back arches involuntarily the minute you put your fingers inside me. Whatever you do you do it well. Two, then three, four and I’m aching for it all. That sting and burn as I breathe my way through the widest part of your hand and the exquisite warmth as you curl inside me and rock against that spot that drives me. Drive me.

And I love watching you watching me.

You kiss me so long and with such passion that my lips are swollen and bruised. I love kissing you. You have these lips that were just made for mine. Like you’ve been waiting for my lips to fit perfectly with yours. Your tongue playing in my mouth. You don’t always know that I watch you when we kiss. I like to see you. And sometimes I just close my eyes and lose myself within those endless kisses. I love that you kiss me constantly. When we make love you keep those lips on mine and it feels that much more intimate. That much more sacred. I want to lose myself inside you. Deep into your mouth, our lips hard against each other. The way we want each other is like a hunger that can’t be sated.

I move down the bed and push you away. Run my hands down my own body over my breasts up and down my thighs across my stomach finally reaching into my pussy you can’t take your eyes off me and your breathing is heavy with frustration.

I love watching you watching me.

I can never last long this way. I want you too badly. I’d like to tease you, taunt you, make you want me more than you’ve ever wanted anyone or anything in your life but it isn’t my hands I want down there. You watch me lick my fingers slick with the wetness that you bring me to in a never ending flow. Always wet. Always hard. Always swollen open ready willing able.

The stamina and flexibility, the tangle we get ourselves into is amazing. The fact that six or seven hours goes by and it feels like mere minutes. It’s never enough. I can’t get enough. I want you all the time. In me on me around me fuck me suck me spank me – yes you hit me hard and leave deliciously burning welts on my ass and you know I’m dripping from the pleasure that mixes so well with the pain. And when I can’t take it any more I need you inside me. Your cock, so hard. You fuck me like no one before and no one again. When I straddle you and lean back, my back arched and my head dropping behind me I know you are watching me and I know how much it turns you on.

And I love watching you watching me.

When we finally have to sleep I curl up in a ball on top of you, my head tucked into your shoulder, your arms, God those arms, underneath me. And when I wake up, the early morning sun streaming into the window. I look over at you…

And I love watching you watching me.

And so it begins again. And again. And again.



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Wicked Wednesday: The Park Bench

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

We had reservations for dinner and a movie but the only thing that looked good enough to eat or watch was you. I was to pick you up at work to catch our 6:30 reservations at Sky. Well, I’d pick you up as intended but there would be a slight alteration in the evening’s  plans. I took my time getting ready – not that I had that much to wear. Picking out clothes was not going to be taking any time at all this evening. I took a long, hot shower and shaved it all – smooth as silk and naked as as the day I was born. I love to run my fingers over my bare lips – full and ripe with the promise of events to come. Mmmmmm…to come…I smiled at myself as I meticulously applied my makeup. Big smoky eyes and full pale lips. I stood naked in front of the mirror and realized I’d forgotten something. No birthday suit would be complete without boots. I found them under the bed. Soft black italian leather, skin tight, knee high. I zipped them up the sides and went for my car coat, the scarf gifted from the neighbor upon her return from India and black leather gloves. A final check in the mirror and I was ready to go.

A chill breeze caught me by surprise as I locked the front door and turned for the car. Although my coat came down to mid-thigh, there was nothing else to protect me from the elements and again I grinned at the sheer audacity of leaving my provincial little neighborhood in nothing but a coat and boots. I prayed I wouldn’t have a flat tire or run out of gas on the way.

You came out to meet me and I stepped out and threw you the keys, letting you drive. I didn’t say a word. Just slipped into the passenger seat, leaned into you and kissed you hello. You pulled out of the parking lot and I turned in my seat and threw one booted leg over the console and propped the other against the parking brake. You throw me a look of shock, knowing that I never go without a seat belt and then do a comical double take when you realize that my coat has opened to reveal pale white thighs disappearing into moist, swollen flesh – bare and ready to be touched. Which I do.

You slam on the brakes, narrowly avoiding what could be a potentially embarrassing rear ender as we come to a stop light. “Are you going to dinner like that?” Mmmmm…dinner yes, but not exactly what you had in mind. “I want to go to the park. Take me to the park.” Your eyes flash and a slick smile spread slowly across your face. You had once mentioned your fantasy of fucking me on a park bench and it has dawned on you that I might have just planned out your ultimate birthday present.

Early spring and the light is just starting to fade at this hour. There are a lot of people taking their evening walks around the park’s many paths and hiking trails. We park in a fairly secluded spot and you turn to me. Your eyes riveted on my fingers as they slip in and out, around my rock hard clit and back in again. I lift my fingers to my mouth and take a taste before offering them to you. You suck greedily and reach for me but I hold you at bay. I grab my bag at my feet and, adjusting my coat, I get out of the car and start walking up the hill. You have no choice but to follow me, no desire to do anything but.

Darkness begins to fall and I pull you to a nearby bench – just off the main pathway but tucked into a small wooded area. Offering little privacy but the walkers and runners are getting few and far between and all mothers pushing strollers have taken their charges home for dinner, baths and bed. I push you down lightly and then straddle your lap. Taking your face in my hands, I kiss you lightly, playfully and then deeper and full of intention. Our breathing quickens, your jeans are wet now that I am riding your thigh as I grind against you involuntarily. “wait”  I whisper, “I want something.” I reach into my bag and pull out a small bottle of lube. You look at me questioningly and then knowingly. I pour it into the palm of your hand and lead your hand between my legs. I know I’m wet enough for most things but for this I need a little extra help and you start by sliding two, no three, fingers inside me.  Curling them towards you and I gasp with a rushing intake of breath. You fuck me slowly, my coat covering both of us – two lovers getting carried away in the gloaming on a cool spring night. Now you have four fingers inside me and I breathe deeply and methodically. Willing myself to open up to  you. Your thumb slips in and your hand curls into itself as you disappear inside me. I look down and see the bones of your wrist up against me and sigh deeply as you fill me up.

Now I can let myself go. It is dark and we are alone. I can’t control my deep throated moans as you fuck me harder. You reach around and put one finger in my ass and I am full to the hilt. Riding you, frantic, exposed and completely there for you. My orgasm comes in white hot waves and I throw my head back and you bury your face in my neck as I hold you tightly while my body thrusts against you of its own accord. I feel as though I’m exploding from the inside out and I don’t want to stop until you laugh and whisper that you think I might have broken a few fingers in there. I am reluctant to let you go but I know you must be aching to come. Yet when I ask what’s next you say, “we’re going to dinner, of course”.

And so I sit in a banquette at Sky, eating steak frittes in my coat and boots. Silently cursing the ruination of the silk lining every time I watch your hand move from plate to mouth. At least I’ve been given some time to plan my next move. Payback, in this case, will be rich indeed.



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Something Wicked this Way Cums

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

The kid’s asleep…the lights turned out…the covers pulled back. Our bare skin melds together as though we were carved out of the same earthen clay destined to be one body. Your kisses are featherlight then fierce. Our passion burns through those kisses. Your mouth on my neck. That spot between my neck and shoulder blade that drives me insane with wanting.

Your hands wander the soft expanses of my body. My hands linger on your strong arms and I want to lose myself in them forever. I run my fingers through your hair and listen to your soft moans.

Your kisses travel downward and you envelope my hard nipples in your warm, waiting lips. Your tongue traces quick paths, soft bites, nibbles. Then you suck them hard into your mouth and elicit my gasps as the passion I feel for you hits my very soul like a lightning bolt.

Your ecstasy is my ecstasy. Your passion my passion. You worship at the altar of my cunt. Spreading me wide and licking, sucking, kissing, lapping, eating me until my body bucks and quivers with the wave upon wave of contractions deep within me. My pussy loves you. You tell me of my taste, my smell, the touch, the wet, and your words drive me wild. I want to answer back but all I can manage is gutteral moans and heavy sighs of absolute fulfillment. When your tongue hits my tight little hole I see stars. Having you make love to that absolute sacred place is pure heaven. I want to be totally open to you and I want to be everything you’ve ever wanted in a lover.

I take no greater pleasure than knowing you could cum instantaneously just watching your cock slide into my ass. Slick with lube, I lower myself upon the largest part of the head and as I exhale it slips inside and I am full of your big, beautiful cock. For the first time in my life, I KNOW that I am sexy when you tell me so. I know that you get unbearably hot watching yourself slide in and out of me as I ride you. Grind my hips into you. Rock back and forth. Ever the exhibitionist – I want you to watch me and I know I have the power to make you shudder with mind-blowing orgasms with barely a touch of your balls against your clit.

My goal lies in my fist. Slipping into your oh-so-soaked pussy so very easily. My hand curls into itself and you cradle me inside you as though you could give birth to me. Gave birth to my passion. Brought me into my own as no one ever has. Let me lose any inhibitions I had ever retained and I revel in the relentless driving of my fist in your cunt. My perfect butch boi. You take it all and when you can’t take it anymore you reward me with the force of your cum squirting and gushing all over my tits…filling my pussy with your white hot liquid. And when you lick your juce off my body I am in awe of your absolute sexual prowess.

You make me want to do things I’ve yet to think of. I want to be laid over your lap and feel the sting of your palm between the caress of my cheeks. The welts that rise between the soothing kisses. I want to be tied up and completely at your control. I want you to use my body as it was made for you.

Take me. Fuck me. Suck me. Lick me. Kiss me. Hold me. Spank me. Make me. Eat me. I am yours and everything I have is yours. Do with me what you will for I want to be everything to you. Fulfill all of your fantasies with me. I give up total control to you.


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About Me

I'm a recent transplant to somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. While mothering my energetic 10-year-old son, I'm also working as a contract graphic designer, freelance proofreader and copy editor, and planning an October 1, 2011 wedding to my anam cara, soul mate, and best friend (they all come rolled into one fantastically hot and ultra-intellectual package). In my rare spare time, I write as much as I possibly can and in several different places. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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