Posts Tagged ‘ glass ’

Review: Don Wands Glass Candy Cane Dildo

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

DW6977_001_mdWhen I first received Don Wand’s Glass Candy Cane from Tabu Toys for review, I really thought of it as a novelty item. I imagined testing it out once and then hanging it on my Christmas tree to giggle about it’s origins (and it’s most recent foray into bodily orifices) every time someone picked it up to admire it. I was proven, however, truly wrong when I finally did get around to playing with it.

First of all, it is extremely beautiful. It arrived with its own thickly padded pink velvety-textured drawstring bag and a small sample of Wet Platinum Premium Body Glide lubricant. The Candy Cane, which is made of borosilicate glass, is hefty. This is no small dildo. Its length is not for the faint of heart and it has just enough girth to it. The design itself, is intricate and it does seem a shame not to use it as a holiday decoration!

Unfortunately, I had to go solo on this one. It just seems a little awkward to ask a casual date to participate in what amounts to an erotic science experiment. The glass is temperature adjustable by soaking it in either cold or hot water prior to use. Temperature adjustable is an understatement indeed!

Tabu Toys thoughtfully provided me with a small bottle of Pjur Original Bodyglide . It was my first time using this lubricant and a little truly does go a long way. The cold glass felt deliciously smooth and tantalizing. Upon inserting it into my vagina, I realized that sucker heats up fast! My own body heat made the wand itself unbelievably hot, while the tip of the candy cane rested ice cold against my clitoris. Now I started to believe that this baby had to be taken seriously! While the curved part was made to fit my own anatomy perfectly for a little clit play, it did not, sadly, fit into my anus when turned around the other way. Although it teasingly touched, I was already up to the hilt of the 8″ wand.

It is no great secret that I’ve been on the search for the perfect g-spot vibrator so when I read that the curved end could be used for g-spot (or prostate) action, I had to get in on it. Or get it in on it, as it were. Oh, hell yeah. You don’t need an anatomy course to hit that magic spot! Although I never actually got to the waterworks, I imagine that, with a partner, this sweet treat could be a truly powerful playmate. The only drawback for me was trying to remove said curve. It was lodged firmly behind my pelvic bone and refused to budge. For a few moments I lay there, panicked, thinking of the scenario that would ensue if I had to call the paramedics for assistance! After some rather uncomfortable contortions and maneuvers, along with a great sigh of relief, I was able to withdraw it.

After much consideration, and the fact that the Candy Cane will now be part of my permanent toy collection, I am giving this beauty an Ohhh! If nothing else, the Don Wands Glass Candy Cane makes the perfect stocking stuff-her! ;)

Product details:

• Made from nonporous borosilicate glass that will not degrade over time.

• Clean with soap and water.

• Hypoallergenic

• Store in protective, padded pouch.

Oh.   Oh…uh huh… Ohhhh! Oh yeah, baby!    YES! YES! YES!

This item was provided by Tabu Toys for my honest opinions. I am not paid for my reviews but I do get to keep the products.


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About Me

I'm a recent transplant to somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. While mothering my energetic 10-year-old son, I'm also working as a contract graphic designer, freelance proofreader and copy editor, and planning an October 1, 2011 wedding to my anam cara, soul mate, and best friend (they all come rolled into one fantastically hot and ultra-intellectual package). In my rare spare time, I write as much as I possibly can and in several different places. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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