Warning: Angst Ahead!

June 1, 2010 at 6:46 pm , by scintillectual

If I have any loyal readers (well, I can think of a few at least) then you know I’ve been rather AWOL lately. And what I have posted has been mediocre at best. I am behind on everything including the literally dozens of product reviews that need to be addressed, some of which have been outstanding for months! I’m beginning to think I’m going to start getting invoices from these wonderful companies assuming I just took the products and ran with them. I promise, I will catch up.

In the meantime, there will be no Wicked Wednesday this week and likely I won’t get around to an HNT. I just haven’t got the energy or the motivation. I have been decompensating rapidly due to the stress of my upcoming move and it is all I can do to drag my sorry ass out of bed every morning with some semblance of sanity. That, my friends, is slipping. I am working all hours of the day and night, including the entire holiday weekend just past, and still I’m shy of my financial goals for the move by several thousand dollars. I have no idea where that’s going to come from. With barely five weeks left, even if I did get new work, getting paid in a timely fashion seems unlikely. I may be carrying my belongings on my back as my son and I hitchhike down south.

If you follow DPR’s blog at all, you probably think our relationship is all wine and roses and sunshine beaming out of our perfectly bleached assholes. Trust me, it’s not. It’s hard work being apart, it’s hard work orchestrating this move, and I sometimes wonder why she even puts up with me. I’m also surprised my kid hasn’t packed a small suitcase and tried to run away by now. I’ve become this total shrew. I am cranky and bitchy, I’ve lost my sense of humor, I snap at both of them, and I take everything personally. While DPR maintains this butch pollyanna sense of optimism, I sink further and further into the third circle of hell. Today we had a massive thunderstorm and I just sort of sat here and prayed that lightning would strike me down and then I’d have a good excuse to fuckitall.

I don’t quite understand what is holding me back from being all gung-ho and cheery about our impending move. There are 101 practical reasons to do this. Unfortunately, the closer the day comes the more I dig in my heels and want to live under the covers. I can’t remember a day without a migraine. I just never realized how much I’d grown to call this place home. I’ve lived in this state longer than I’ve lived anywhere in my life (and I’ve moved a LOT), but most recently, I developed a true sense of community here and some real friendships that I’m loathe to step away from. I swore that I would NEVER move back to the buckle of the bible belt. I did not want to live down south again and deal with all of the misogyny and homophobia that comes along with being there. Add to that the fact that my only sibling hasn’t spoken to me in almost 4 years and what we have left is…me moving into DPR’s life. Her life. Her homeland. Her family. Her friends. I love them all dearly and feel entirely accepted there but what I built here I’m abandoning. I finally got a sense of self and I have to hope that I can keep that self alive once I’ve made this 900 mile trek to where she is.

I hate to sound bitter. This month apart has been extremely hard. Harder than any other time we’ve spent away from each other. DPR is flying in on Thursday and the timing couldn’t be better. I really need to be sure of her. The phone just isn’t cutting it. Emails are scant and we don’t seem to know how to communicate this time around. I feel a certain disconnect that I’ve never felt before. I’m scared and I admit it. My love for her is strong indeed but my soul is weary and the tears flow too freely these days.

So, dear reader, forgive my absence for a bit. I need to take this time with her to cement our bond and find the strength to move ahead with whatever comes. If I can muster up the motivation, you’ll see a review or two, but I may not be back at the helm until next week—after my darling DPR has taken to the skyway one more time before she returns to help me pack my belongings and begin a life anew.


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18 Comments so far

by Your BFF

On June 1, 2010 at 7:53 pm

*nods head* I can understand that. It’s a huge move and a big commitment and you’re smart to be at least apprehensive. It shows that you’re *thinking* not just feeling. That’s a good thing. I believe that means it will be an excellent choice and a good move for both you and your son.

I’m sorry I’ve sorta sucked as your BFF. I have been so self-absorbed of late what with this crazy job and the Not-Girlfriend and my own utter terror at commiting to anyone or letting anyone love me or trusting anyone … I get it.

I love you, darling girl, and that is all I can really say.

by lescook

On June 2, 2010 at 4:51 am

you bleach your assholes? interesting…

Focus your own power and will on the outcome and not on the steps needed to get there. You’re seeing too many trees and not the beauty of the forest!

Suck it up babe and go for the win. ;-)

by scintillectual

On June 2, 2010 at 6:36 am

Kidding (although given an unlimited supply of money I might actually consider it. Li? Likely not)!!!

I love your outlook on this. It’s true—I’m practically stripping the damn bark off! I think I need to step back, check out the forest, and consider this a journey more than well worth taking. :)

Thanks, friend. xo

by scintillectual

On June 2, 2010 at 6:39 am

Darling, you’ll never suck as my BFF. No matter what goes on in our lives we always know that we are there for each other if need be and we can always pick up right where we left off. Its the beauty of our friendship. And you know, no matter what I’m dealing with, I’m always here to listen if you need to whine, bitch, and kvetch.

And yes, you are right…it IS the right choice and the best decision and the more proactive I am about the move, the more I focus on the good to come, the less I will boohoo over the loss of this community. And hell, I can always come back and visit! Not like I’m moving to Nigeria or something.


by Blazer

On June 2, 2010 at 9:06 pm

I am glad you cleared up the whole bleach thing. Now I can re-focus on what I am sure you consider the more important topic of your post.

I don’t want to sound patronizing, but really? Do you think you are the first person to freak out when about to embark on a life altering change. I would fear you had really lost your mind if you weren’t experiencing some frosty toes. Hell, I nearly had a nervous breakdown the last time I moved and I was moving to the bible belt.

When DPR gets there, the two of you need to talk all of this out. That is, once your mouths have be extricated from the body parts of the other. I think you both know that this is the right move for many reasons. You now need to reassure each other of that fact and remind yourselves that neither of you is in this alone. As lescook so eloquently put it, “suck it up” and look to the future beyond July. Love ya!

by Femme Gender

On June 3, 2010 at 11:47 pm

Hon, firstly it’s perfectly natural to feel all kinds of anxiety when making such a huge life change. This translates into FEAR and you know what? FEAR SUCKS. It keeps us in a spin, throws up all those little stumbling blocks and makes them huge and terrifying. It stops us from seeing clearly (like further down the line) and paralyzes our sense of clarity. Keep the faith, you know inside it’s the right thing to do, the right place to be and the right person to be with. With much love fimg X

by Holden

On June 4, 2010 at 11:42 am

Moving is very stressful and especially such a big move but you know you’re moving into your future. And that it’s the right thing for you. Hang in there, it will happen, it will be ok and you will both live happily ever after :-)

by royaroo

On June 4, 2010 at 4:02 pm

Roast beef and cheese fries time.

Take a deep breath and remember the many conversations we had about life and where we felt we should be living it. What the point of it all was/is. What we wanted in the small and big schemes of things.

I got scared of moving, even though it was what I desperately wanted. You saw what it took to finally get me to uproot myself… I’d done about six or seven years in that area and the thought of moving anyplace beyond thirty minutes away was terrifying.

You need a change in your life, and you’re ready for it. So is your son. It’s scary as all hell, but every time you move you’re leaving the comfort of community to head into strange new territory. You will find people in no time and -seriously- if you could wind up feeling a part of your neighborhood here you’ll be able to find a place there.

by DreadPirateRobert

On June 6, 2010 at 11:05 am

You know that I am both aware of and sensitive to your fears–and my own–and that I will continue to be with you in all of this…if only to leave you the freedom to be wherever you are and to feel what you feel. We have talked–and continue to talk–about these things: about change, about fear of even that which we know is good for us, about which road will best take us where. I love you and I trust you to do what is best for you…and for us. And, I am here. Ever. Always…in all ways. BTW: you are going to knock W-S off its feet and will find much love and acceptance!!

To everyone else: you guys are the best. Scin could not ask for better, more loving friends, and I am thilled she has you, your support, and your understanding. I, too, am grateful to have you in our lives. We all are the richer and better for it. Love to you all…and a big thanks as well.

by scintillectual

On June 6, 2010 at 12:24 pm

Blazer, thank you. You aren’t patronizing and it’s true that everyone experiences a certain amount of trepidation in the face of BIG change. It is good to be reminded of the fact that people do this kind of stuff all the time and it isn’t supposed to be easy. It’s not abnormal for me to worry and now that DPR is here, I know that I am doing the right thing—for me, for my son, and for the three of us as a family. Because that’s exactly what we are. Love ya right back! :)

by scintillectual

On June 6, 2010 at 12:29 pm

E, thank you, sweetheart. Fear does suck! All I’ve been doing is fretting about the near future and the people I’m going to be leaving behind. But, hell, I’m not moving to Ethiopia! I can hop a plane and visit and I do have internet and Facebook and all of those other wonderful conveniences to keep me in touch with my friends. And yes, DPR IS, most definitely, the right person to be with. xoxo

by scintillectual

On June 6, 2010 at 12:30 pm

Holden, thank you for your support and friendship. I’m hanging in and it does get easier every day. That’s not to say I won’t have my moments but I do love the idea of finally getting that “happily ever after!” xoxo

by scintillectual

On June 6, 2010 at 12:33 pm

Damn good thing you aren’t here, kiddo, or I’d be as big as a house with all of the roast beef and cheese fries I’d have called you for by now! Yes, I do need change and yes, I am ready for it. Sticking around here isn’t going to do me a whit of good. So funny that you are reminding me of this neighborhood and what it felt like when I moved here. God, I hated it SO much!!! I already love my Southern homeland (despite the fact that it’s located in the South) so we’re way ahead of the game there! Love you, darlin! And miss you and our talks very, very much! xoxoxo

by scintillectual

On June 6, 2010 at 12:36 pm

Baby, having you here has made me realize that much more why I chose to move and how much it means to me to do so. I know that this will be a wonderful thing for all of us. Just watching you and my boy together this week reaffirms my decision. He has finally grown to realize that he trusts you and he loves you. His sense of family and belonging has returned and this will only get better and stronger when we are all finally in the same place with no more leavings. Besides, now that we have joint checking, I can hardly chuck you out on your ass, now can I? I so love you! P.S. Your bleach job looks fabu. ;)

by DreadPirateRobert

On June 6, 2010 at 12:47 pm

Sugar, thank you for saying here the things that we know together when we are all present as a family. I, too, feel so strongly connected to the family we are becoming–to you, to us, and to your boy whom I love so dearly. The growing relationship between he and I means so much to me as you know. We are, indeed, a family. And, as I tell you, I love you–and him–more each day; each day serves to reassure me as well, to make me push through the fears that are so normal, so much a part of significant life changes–no matter how good they are for us or how wonderful they are. I know in my heart the kind of life we can all have. And, as we are better for our coming together, maybe our little corner of the South will be better for our presence in it. You have touched so many lives there already, I can only imagine the life you will build in and apart from our life together. You are a strong, warm, talented, and joyous personality. Others know this; others will see it too; and, others will love and welcome you as my friends and family have. Love you, baby girl, so much!

by Blazer

On June 6, 2010 at 7:13 pm

Bleach job…I’m worried now.

by lescook

On June 7, 2010 at 12:49 am

me too Blazer…I’m clenching as I type!

by Kyle

On June 10, 2010 at 3:05 pm

Other said it, but I’ll say it too.. yeah, you have reason to feel anxious, grumpy, over worked, stressed and all that. You do have a great partner and a great son and the three of you will make a wonderful life together. In the meantime, you’ll do what you need to do.

also, is the pollyanna thing a butch characteristic? because I think I have it too

18 Responses to “ Warning: Angst Ahead! ”

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About Me

I'm a recent transplant to somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. While mothering my energetic 10-year-old son, I'm also working as a contract graphic designer, freelance proofreader and copy editor, and planning an October 1, 2011 wedding to my anam cara, soul mate, and best friend (they all come rolled into one fantastically hot and ultra-intellectual package). In my rare spare time, I write as much as I possibly can and in several different places. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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