Archive for September, 2009

HNT: The Boot Shoot

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

Ahhh…it’s Thursday… and that means it’s time to get half-nekkid! I bought these thigh high ultrasuede boots on total impulse thinking I’d wear them for a *certain woman* who happens to love women in sexy footwear. Now that I have this extraordinarily expensive purchase sitting under my bed in a box, I’m having second thoughts about keeping them. I mean really, where am I — a 44-(almost 45) year-old single mom with 30 lbs to lose — going to wear them outside of the bedroom? Since I may well put them up for sale, I just *had* to take some pics of me in them to prove I did once own them and they are deliciously sexy. Do you see an asian-influenced theme running through my new site?


The boots themselves…not very practical, are they?


Half-Nekkid in the boots…also known as *attack of the giant boob*


…and because I’m half-nekkid and I absolutely love this bra.

Check out many more lovely HNTs at Osbasso’s View from the Back Row



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MFM: Seasons

Monday, September 14th, 2009

One of the wonderful weekly challenges I missed is Microfantasy Monday. A moment in time—an erotically charged snapshot—assigned by our dear Ang, the Sweltering Celt. This week’s theme…Seasons.

I have barely walked into his apartment. Mere seconds have passed. I enter the living room and have no more than set my bag down when I feel his lips caress the back of my neck. His fingertips playing lightly upon my shoulders. He runs his strong hands down my bare arms and I lift them up, high, high over my head, entwining my fingers together as his own slip back down to my elbows, my shoulders.

He works his way down my body. Kissing my back he kneels and I involuntarily spread my legs slightly. One of my hands drops languidly to my shoulder, the other to my lips where I have a habit of unconsciously hooking my finger in my mouth, tucking it between my teeth, my eyes closed awaiting his next move.

His hands now grace the length of my smooth, bare legs. Sunkissed in this late summer morning. I am not used to this gentleness, this time of luxuriating in his touch, this softness, this sweetness. He is at my side now and works his way back up my body. I feel too clothed…too much fabric between his hands and my skin. I reach down and pull my tank top over my head and his hands and lips play at my right side. Kisses tender upon my ribcage. My arms are in the way. I reach around and rest a hand on his lean, muscled shoulder. Reflecting upon how much I have missed this hard, taut body.

So much time has passed between us. An entire summer gone by. I can hear the leaves rustling outside his window. A light September breeze. When last we were together, the skies were dark with April’s showers. He moves my body again so that I am facing him. His expert hands unbind my breasts from their strapless prison. His fingers work the button on my shorts and they drop to the floor.

Where once he was in back, now he works his way from my neck to my shoulders, my breasts to my belly…leading me forward. We have come full circle, he and I. To everything, turn. turn. turn.


Category MicroFantasy Monday / Tags: /

Social Networks : Technorati, Stumble it!, Digg, delicious, Yahoo, reddit, Blogmarks, Google, Magnolia.

Fabulous as Ever!

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Ahhh…those of you that were loyal followers, welcome back! I missed my erotic writing…but then again…how many times can you write about masturbation? Seriously, I was in danger of becoming chaste (gasp! I know!). I am a writer of many things, and erotica has always been at the top of the list. I recently tried a very public and excruciatingly dull diary of self-discovery (yawn) that lasted less than a week. While I AM on that journey, I’m doing it in private now. However, I have realized that part of the essence of me, is this…self-expression.

I am a passionate, vibrant, sexy, and sex-loving woman. There is no reason to deny that part of me and no reason not to share it with all of the amazing writers and readers that I made connections with back in the not-so-long days ago as FemmeBLT. While D. (formerly known as HTB) intimated (okay, insisted) that I was maintaining a sex blog simply to make him jealous or draw attention to myself, I defend my work and my dedication to writing—in all it’s forms. As a very private person, he does not wish to have his personal business put out into the ether for everyone to see. I will respect that by making sure his identity is protected and not revealing my own (guilt by association, dont’cha know?).

So here I am. Technically single. Back on the dating scene. Having amazing sex with no strings attached and here to tell about it. A tale of lesbian identity, love and lust with a transgendered man, a high femme top turned somewhat submissive, exploration and discovery and a continuing journey with D., my lover, as he moves swiftly along the path to his own true self.

Home. It’s nice to be back.


Category New and Improved, Uncategorized / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , , , /

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About Me

I'm a recent transplant to somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. While mothering my energetic 10-year-old son, I'm also working as a contract graphic designer, freelance proofreader and copy editor, and planning an October 1, 2011 wedding to my anam cara, soul mate, and best friend (they all come rolled into one fantastically hot and ultra-intellectual package). In my rare spare time, I write as much as I possibly can and in several different places. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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