Posts Tagged ‘ Boots ’

HNT: Paisley Series #3

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

The third installment in the series of shots that DPR took while she was visiting. One more week of these and I’m off to warmer Southern climes to spend 10 days with her. Rest assured there will be many new series to post when I return. HHNT, y’all! Oh, and don’t forget to click through (I hate for all her hard work to go to waste!).



Don’t forget to visit Os for more HNT goodness!



Category Half-Nekkid Thursday / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , /

Social Networks : Technorati, Stumble it!, Digg, delicious, Yahoo, reddit, Blogmarks, Google, Magnolia.

The Paisley Series #2

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

DPR left for the long drive home around 3:30 Tuesday morning. I miss her as I have missed no other. Without her I feel the days stretching by, punctuated by our phone calls and emails, leading into lonely nights in my half-empty bed. I will see her in 15 days. Until then, she, like you…can see me here.



Don’t forget to visit Osbasso for more HNT goodness!



Category Half-Nekkid Thursday / Tags: Tags: , , , , , /

Social Networks : Technorati, Stumble it!, Digg, delicious, Yahoo, reddit, Blogmarks, Google, Magnolia.

HNT: The Paisley Series #1

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

DPR and I had not been apart for even two full weeks when she tossed her bags in the truck and drove 15 hours through the night to come spend a few days with me. As luck would have it, the New England weather decided to wrap its wintery arms around us and she has yet to head back home. Maybe this weekend…sigh. Until then, we are thoroughly enjoying our small slice of domesticated bliss and for once I am not having to fuss with self-timers and last-minute shoots. DPR is an amazing photographer and although we had no professional lighting or backdrops with us, the series (which you will see a lot of in the coming weeks) turned out pretty well, IMHO. The most amazing thing is seeing myself through her eyes…she makes me feel quite beautiful, indeed.



This week we also participated in the OHNT for the very first time. See a little more of our New Year’s Eve celebration here, and don’t forget to stop by and see Os for more HNT goodness!



Category Half-Nekkid Thursday / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , , , /

Social Networks : Technorati, Stumble it!, Digg, delicious, Yahoo, reddit, Blogmarks, Google, Magnolia.

HNT: Afternoon Tryst

Thursday, December 10th, 2009

Yet another week of too many obligations, deadlines that threaten to drown me, and an error in thinking that led me to believe that this was the week for Osbasso’s first holiday theme photo, led me to resurrect an old pic. This was taken after a mid-afternoon tryst with my very first true love, my high school sweetheart. Years of pining for each other culminated in a few short hours in a hastily found, rather seedy hotel room together that put our longing for each other to bed once and for all. He has moved on and is wonderfully and blessedly happy with someone else and this photo reminds me of a sweet, sweet resolution to a lifelong love.




Category Half-Nekkid Thursday / Tags: Tags: , , , , /

Social Networks : Technorati, Stumble it!, Digg, delicious, Yahoo, reddit, Blogmarks, Google, Magnolia.

HNT: I give great head…

Thursday, October 29th, 2009

pumpkin head, that is. Halloween is days away and I’m sharing this week’s HNT with my good friend Jack. Here’s wishing you all a dark and sinister All Hallows Eve. Now don’t forget to stop by Osbasso’s site for more tricks and treats!









Category Half-Nekkid Thursday / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , , , /

Social Networks : Technorati, Stumble it!, Digg, delicious, Yahoo, reddit, Blogmarks, Google, Magnolia.

HNT: The Boot Shoot

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

Ahhh…it’s Thursday… and that means it’s time to get half-nekkid! I bought these thigh high ultrasuede boots on total impulse thinking I’d wear them for a *certain woman* who happens to love women in sexy footwear. Now that I have this extraordinarily expensive purchase sitting under my bed in a box, I’m having second thoughts about keeping them. I mean really, where am I — a 44-(almost 45) year-old single mom with 30 lbs to lose — going to wear them outside of the bedroom? Since I may well put them up for sale, I just *had* to take some pics of me in them to prove I did once own them and they are deliciously sexy. Do you see an asian-influenced theme running through my new site?


The boots themselves…not very practical, are they?


Half-Nekkid in the boots…also known as *attack of the giant boob*


…and because I’m half-nekkid and I absolutely love this bra.

Check out many more lovely HNTs at Osbasso’s View from the Back Row



Category Half-Nekkid Thursday / Tags: Tags: , , , , , , , , /

Social Networks : Technorati, Stumble it!, Digg, delicious, Yahoo, reddit, Blogmarks, Google, Magnolia.

About Me

I'm a recent transplant to somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. While mothering my energetic 10-year-old son, I'm also working as a contract graphic designer, freelance proofreader and copy editor, and planning an October 1, 2011 wedding to my anam cara, soul mate, and best friend (they all come rolled into one fantastically hot and ultra-intellectual package). In my rare spare time, I write as much as I possibly can and in several different places. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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