Read me here…

December 22, 2010 at 7:36 am , by scintillectual

I have had the honor (and sometimes trying experience during bouts of writer’s block) of writing for Our Big Gayborhood for the better part of this past year and hopefully for a long time to come. My essays publish on the 22nd of each month and are centered around parenting, relationships, family, and the realities of moving back to the deep South after living in the relative freedom and anonymity of big Northeastern cities for almost 30 years. Today, my essay is a recounting of my first meeting with DPR and our reuniting 26 years later. It is also a telling of the best Christmas gift I’ve ever received. In this case, the gift that keeps on giving, preferably forever. While I won’t link directly to the article, you can get thee to and read it for yourself (this is more to protect those that don’t want to stumble unawares onto THIS site!). It is called “The Christmas Cairn.” Enjoy!

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About Me

I'm a recent transplant to somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. While mothering my energetic 10-year-old son, I'm also working as a contract graphic designer, freelance proofreader and copy editor, and planning an October 1, 2011 wedding to my anam cara, soul mate, and best friend (they all come rolled into one fantastically hot and ultra-intellectual package). In my rare spare time, I write as much as I possibly can and in several different places. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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