An Open Birthday Letter

September 3, 2010 at 7:43 am , by scintillectual

LiKissesMy darling DPR has a birthday today and as most of you have followed our relationship from our reconnection after 26 years, I thought I’d be brazen and post an open letter to the love of my life—celebrating the day of her birth. Join me in wishing her (and us) many years of happiness to come, won’t you?

Dearest Li,

It has been almost a full year since I found you again and nearly 9 months to the day that we decided to “factor you into the equation”—the crowded puzzle that was my life last December. Quite obviously, you were (and are) the perfect fit for me. Just as I knew you were “the one” that would finally pop my impatient lesbian cherry at the tender age of 19, so you now fill all the parts of my life that I have left neglected and/or abused for so long.

Sweetheart, you are such an incredible person. You have faced physical/mental/emotional challenges all of your life with courage and conviction. You face every day with renewed vigor and unwavering Faith that all is as it should be and all will be well. You inspire everyone who comes in contact with you. You are brave and steadfast and you are my hero.

I love that we laugh the way we do—that I can be completely and utterly myself and you accept me fully and meet me wherever I am. I love your astounding intellect—the way you call up any bit of knowledge that you have read or heard and hold your own against the weightiest of PhDs. Your business acumen is well-honed and razor sharp. But it is your spirit and the spiritual journey that you pursue that impresses me most. You have brought me back to Center and remind me every day why life is worth living even in the midst of the greatest stresses. The times when we thought we might lose hold of one another as I clung to driftwood and almost let the life raft pass me by—the greatest fear I felt when we learned you did, indeed, have cancer.

You are an amazing co-parent to my child. You have given him a wonderful gift: the gift of security. I know my child finally sees Great Love and feels safe in the knowledge that we, at least, don’t plan to go anywhere. He finally has a familial unit that is strong, together, and bound for life. He enjoys you and learns from you. When the two of you laugh together, my heart leaps with unbridled joy.

As for the physical love we share. Well, from all that I’ve written here, I’m sure that is self-evident. We continue to grow together in so many ways. Our erotic explorations never cease to amaze me. Again, with you I am never self-conscious. You worship me in ways I never thought possible and I cannot feel ashamed in the presence of your love for me—for my body. Our physical relationship transcends any that I have shared with others—while I thought that I’d seen it all, done it all…I hadn’t even skimmed the surface of my desires until you came along and exhibited your willingness to fully explore our sexuality.

And, so, my dear…I am blessed in these and countless other ways. I celebrate your birth and Thank God for bringing you back into my life. I can’t imagine spending it with anyone more compatible and I look forward to many more of these celebrations. I love you with all that I am. Always, and in all ways.

Your Sweet Scin.


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9 Comments so far

by Jolie

On September 3, 2010 at 7:52 am

It almost feels intrusive to post a comment, but I can’t *not* say Happy Birthday to one of my new favorite bloggers.

You both already know I’m a fan, so I’ll repress my instinctive “Squee!” at how sweet you are together…

And just say that I’m glad you’re celebrating this day, and that I wish you both many more celebrations just as joyful.


by DreadPirateRobert

On September 3, 2010 at 1:08 pm

I do not think–well in fact, I know that I have not ever been given such a gift. This is a beautiful letter. I am more than a little moved and quite speechless…which is not generally the case. Oddly, it seems appropriate to see this letter here and to share it with the community that has given us each–in different ways–so much support and acceptance. So, in my quasi-speechless state, I have this to say about all of that:

I love you with all my heart…and, I love your son as if he were my own. I, too, love that we laugh, that we share such openness, that we explore and accept and honor each other and this wonderful thing we have been given. You are my one true friend, my one true love, my anam cara–the love of my life. This second chance with you is one of the greatest gifts God has given me–this and the relative health to be here for it all. What we share–intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and sexually…and playfully–is the kind of relationship I longed for and dared not hope for. Thank you for showing me it is possible and for being here with me, so near, so committed, and so dear.
All my love, always, all ways,

by Holden

On September 5, 2010 at 10:59 am

Happy birthday Li! (Sorry I’m a bit late) Hope you had a fantastic day and here’s to many, many, many more. (I’m raising a bottle of beer to toast you both.)

by Femme Gender

On September 5, 2010 at 2:50 pm

Seconded by me (although not with beer!) This photo just makes me grin because it says everything that is good. Hope your day was wonderful and many more to come fimg xxxx

by DreadPirateRobert

On September 6, 2010 at 6:05 am

To H and FIMG: I thank you for sharing with us, as best you can, from across the water. Know that we think of you both and it is a joy to have you in our lives. I am here, raising my non-alcoholic Guinness to you both! Looking forward to many years of toasting each other across the waves! I, too, was moved that Scin posted a “real” picture of us–seems fitting, does it not? Love to you both.
To Jolie: I appreciate out new-found connection and hope you will stay around. I am enjoying sharing your journey as well. Thanks for the well-wishes.

by DreadPirateRobert

On September 6, 2010 at 6:07 am

Ooops! That is supposed to say “our” new-found connection. I have been puppy-sitting for my brother and it is like having a new born! Not much sleep last night. As I wake up more, perhaps I’ll remember how to spell and to type!!

by Vixen

On September 9, 2010 at 9:13 am

You too are such a fabulous couple. I *LOVE* that pic.

*happy sigh* So happy for you!

by Osbasso

On September 9, 2010 at 10:24 am

What a wonderful letter, and even more wonderful picture!

Happy Birthdays all around!

by scintillectual

On September 9, 2010 at 10:37 am

Thanks everyone! I think we’re a pretty fabulous couple, too. *grin*

9 Responses to “ An Open Birthday Letter ”

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About Me

I am a suburban single mom—copy editor of higher ed textbooks by day, superwoman without a clue at night. I have a string of failed relationships and have lived to tell about it. I am also highly sexual but not having a lot of sex (primarily due to the fact that the love of my life lives some 800 miles away right now). This means that I use my imagination to its fullest extent and have to test out a lot of my toys for review solo. I have to believe there are other folks out there who, whether by choice or by force, enjoy the pleasures of self-love.In addition to masturbation, I write. A lot. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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