TMI Tuesday: Sex and Socks Season

December 8, 2009 at 5:31 am , by scintillectual

1. Which is more important of the two in “chemistry,” physical attractiveness or emotional attractiveness?

I really agree with Vixen on this one. I have to be drawn to someone physically first — I definitely have a “type” that I am attracted to — but for the long haul? An emotional connection is key. I think that has a lot to do with the reason my relationships up until this point haven’t worked. I jumped into them for the great sex without truly knowing the person, only to find out (even after 14 years in one case) that we really had nothing working in our favor on a truly intimate level (that level that has nothing to do with sex).

2. On a scale from 1-10, how kinky are you?
I used to think I was pretty kinky until I landed in the world of sex bloggers and became a member of Fetlife. Now I am starting to feel rather vanilla, indeed. There are definite things on my “don’t-do” list and the more I talk about what I do and don’t want in a long-term relationship (with extensive discussions on physical compatibility) the more I keep adding to it, rather than taking away. There are some things, like tantric sex, more “color on my cheeks” (so to speak), and rope play that I would like to explore, but there are things I’ve experienced in the past, like polyamory, that I don’t want to repeat. In summary (ahem) I am kinkier than some, less kinky than others. I’ll go with a 6.5 based on my past and the fact that I’m pretty open to trying anything that doesn’t involve blood, too much pain, or shit. (yeah, the literal kind). How’s that?

3. Sitting on Santa’s lap… fun or creepy?

Yeah, I don’t really see that. At least not in the costumed role play adult kind of way. However, if a certain someone wanted me to sit on her lap and whisper my wishes? Well…hmmm…I think she already knows what I wish for this year. *smiles*

4. Have you ever fallen asleep or passed out during sex?
Nope. I have been seriously damn tired before and still gone with it, but I always hold my own, thank you very much.

5. Do you wear socks to bed? Is that okay or totally unsexy?

This cracks me up! I was recently asked by someone near and dear if I still wear socks to bed…and I was at that very moment! Yes, when it is cold out (and I have a very large, very drafty bedroom with no heater in it) then you’d better believe I wear socks to bed. They’ll come off for two reasons in the winter: 1) I get too hot in the middle of the night, and 2) I’m not alone and it starts heating up before I get too hot in the middle of the night. :)

Bonus: What is your greatest strength? Weakness?

What am I interviewing for? Does it pay well?
Strength- I think my greatest strength probably lies in communication. Sadly, I have chosen partners who LOATHED communicating (those that excelled in the art of the silent treatment). I am very good at expressing my wants and needs and particularly good at listening to someone and truly “getting” them. Being able to be honest and open is crucial for me.
Weakness- Oh, procrastination, no doubt! I have a stack of things I need to get to and haven’t. I often find myself HERE when I should be working and, as with yesterday, I never got around to my MFM post which is highly unusual for me. I actually have a sign over my computer that says “If it weren’t for the last minute, I wouldn’t get anything done.”

Wow. This was really random.

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1 Comment so far

by Blazer

On December 8, 2009 at 7:55 am

Happy Tuesday!

One Response to “ TMI Tuesday: Sex and Socks Season ”

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About Me

I am a suburban single mom—copy editor of higher ed textbooks by day, superwoman without a clue at night. I am currently on sabbatical from relationships. I'm scared shitless to be alone (particularly at 45 years of age) and yet, I find myself doing it. I have a string of failed relationships and have lived to tell about it. I am also highly sexual but not having a lot of sex. This means that I use my imagination to its fullest extent and have to test out a lot of my toys for review solo. I have to believe there are other folks out there who, whether by choice or by force, enjoy the pleasures of self-love.In addition to masturbation, I write. A lot. This is the outlet for my erotic bent. Or bent erotica. I have come to love the community of sex bloggers. They are an amazing group of talented and wonderfully supportive individuals. Please come back regularly and be sure to check out my links to spread the love to some of the greatest writers and artists around. Enjoy!

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