TMI Tuesday: Utter Randomness
March 30, 2010 at 4:08 am , by scintillectual

1. Have you ever broken something in someone’s home unknown to them and never told them? If yes, explain.
Not that I can recall. I have however, been known to take things that didn’t belong to me and not ‘fess up. For instance, when I was 15 I babysat for this young single mother and she kept this gorgeous ivory pipe in a drawer. She paid me well enough that I could have gone to the nearest headshop and bought my own, but I coveted this thing…and seriously, are you actually going to confront your babysitter about your missing pot pipe? Probably should have jacked the plants that she was growing on her windowsill as well, but that would have been harder to explain to the ‘rents.
2. What’s one sexual guilty pleasure that you wouldn’t openly tell your friends about? Why?
I can’t think of anything I don’t openly tell my friends. I write a sex blog for pete’s sake! My life is a totally open book and I am so full of TMI it overflows and makes everyone else dirty.
3. Take a peek over any celebrity’s shoulder in the bathroom…who are they and what are they reading?
Well, if I were a celebrity, I’d imagine my bathroom reading would be all of the scandal sheets with anything about me in them. Even though I’d hate the smear campaign, I wouldn’t be able to resist. And really? If the news were that bad? I could just wipe my ass with the story.
4. Roses are red, violets are blue…[finish this line with your own rhyme]
You’re not here and I’m missing you. (oh, sue me…it’s early AND true.)
5. Do you believe in ghosts or other supernatural activity? Why or why not?
Absolutely. Too many strange things have happened in my life not to believe. I’ve had several close encounters and so have my family members. Like the morning that my grandfather showed up at the foot of my mother’s bed and woke her up to say goodbye. He was, at that moment, dying of a heart attack four states away. He visited me in a mirror in my dorm room in Philadelphia a few hours later. Guess he was making the rounds.
Bonus (optional): How many times have you thought about sex in the last 24 hours? What triggered it? Who did it involve? Provide as much details as you like.
How about nearly constantly? I’m fluctuating between bouts of grief at DPR’s leaving and moments of utter wetness reliving all of the amazing experiences we’ve had over the past two weeks. Last night was tough…here’s TMI…I wasn’t ready to change the sheets yet and climbed into a completely funky bed, happily reveling in the smell of US and thoughts of the last time we made love before she left. Damn, my baby boi is one unbelievably hot lover. Sigh…horny again…fabulous.
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by DreadPirateRobert
On March 30, 2010 at 6:08 pm
Thanks for sharing Sugar…and for telling the world I’m a hot lover [HA!]. I have this to say about that: I am the lover that my love for you makes me; I am the lover that you make of me with your amazing sensuality; I am the lover that we make of me…that the chemistry and the love we share makes me. You are a wonderful lover in oh so many ways and I am not there, and I missing you something awful. Until later…